Klaus Mikaelson (& Damon Salvatore)- Hold up PART 2

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//You leave the Mikaelsons behind after Nik cheats on you and head back to Mystic Falls, where you meet with Damon ++ Klaus comes back to talk to you//

Thoughts of Klaus swarmed your mind as you sped down the highway, bound for Mystic Falls. The rain pelted your windshield, but the tears blurring your vision made it difficult to take any notice of the now trickling droplets.


It was night by the time you arrived at the familiar town- no plan set in stone and no tears left to spill. The rain had stopped, and an almost deafening silence washed over the asphalt road as the sound of your engine hummed through the streets.

You knew where you were headed. In fact, it was the first place you thought to go. Pulling into the driveway, you turned off the engine and glanced at your tear-stained reflection in the mirror before wiping your cheeks roughly and stepping out into the cold air.

You pulled your sleeves over your hands, crossing your arms after knocking on the sturdy wooden door.

"I got it." A familiar voice called from inside the home, bringing a small smile to your lips- if only for a moment. The door opened, and Stefan greeted you with a small smile.

"Y/N," He spoke, somewhat surprised, "I thought you were headed back to New Orleans."

"Yeah, about that..." You started with a sigh, your pain now evident as he took note of the hurt in your eyes.

"What happened?" His tone hardened, and his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Can I come in?"


A sense of comfort washed over you as you stepped into the home. And almost instantly, the sound of footsteps echoed from the staircase.

"Stefan, who was it?" Damon called as he made his way down the steps. Stopping mid-way, he caught sight of you and a smirk curled onto his lips. "Well look who's back." He grinned, causing a small scoff of a laugh to erupt from your chest. "Not that I don't love the company, but I thought you were going back to New Orleans?" He spoke quizzically as he strode down the last couple of stairs.

"Well, I'm not too sure if I'm going back at all." You admitted, averting your gaze the the floor.

"What about Klaus?" Damon asked, the name leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Klaus." You scoffed, "Klaus cheated on me." You announced, feeling tears you thought had all but dissipated begin to well.

"He did what?" Stefan growled, Damon's face contorting in confusion and anger.

"Oh, but wait- thats not even the best part." You added, walking over and picking up a bottle of bourbon and pouring yourself a glass.

"The best part isn't that he cheated," You spoke sharply, putting the bottle down "Or the fact that he did it while I was here last," The brother watched on with sympathy, "Nor was it the fact that it was with Hayley. No. The best part, is that she's pregnant with his child." You voiced sarcastically, your emotions on the verge of bursting at the seams as you downed the glass of bourbon.

"Y/N." Stefan sighed sympathetically as Damon still stood in shock, looking at you with sad eyes.

"Apparently, there's a loophole in the whole 'hybrid' thing," You began, answering the question both brothers were surely wondering. "Vampires can't procreate, but werewolves; they sure can."

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