You calm him down

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Stefan: You came home to the Salvatore boarding house to an eerie silence,

"Stefan?" You called out, he is usually home around this time. You put your bag down and removed your jacket, hanging it up as you looked around curiously. The silence was quickly broken with the sound of shattering glass coming from upstairs.

"Stefan?!" You yelled, quickly dropping what you were doing and shooting up the staircase to where the sound came from. You creaked open his bedroom door, worried as to what you would find as you still hadn't received a reply from him. You walked in cautiously, quickly running toward the bathroom door, swinging it open to be met with a broken Stefan. He was sat on the cold tiles, leaning up against the bathtub with his head in his hands, his knuckles oozing blood as shards of broken glass covered the floor. He had shattered the mirror. His reflection.

"Stefan! Stefan what happened?" You asked, dropping to your knee's next to him, placing a reassuring hand on his cheek as he lifted his head, tears staining his face.

"I'm a monster, y/n." He stated firmly. That was all the confirmation you needed to know that your assumption was right. He had cracked. He had only been back to his normal self for about a two weeks now after Klaus forced him back into ripper mode. All of the memories of what he did, the guilt, it must have all built up to the point of it being overwhelming. And I don't blame him. Not one bit.

"Stefan," You began, "You are not a monster." You said reassuringly, grasping his hand in yours.

"Of course I am. You know what I did to those people. Everyone does. And.. I didn't even feel bad doing it. I wanted to do it." He replied, completely emotionless.

"That was not you Stefan," You started firmly, lifting his face up to look into his eyes so he could see the absolute sincerity in yours, his breath heavy and rigid "that was a completely different person, and you couldn't help that. It wasn't your fault Stefan." He whimpered a little at your words, eyebrows knitting together. "That was not you." You repeated, a little more firmly hoping it would reassure him of the truth. He suddenly closed the space between the two of you, pulling you into a tight hug, securely wrapping his arms around you as if you would disappear into thin air. He muttered almost incoherent thank you's into your hair as you held eachother.

"I love you so much y/n."

"I love you too Stefan."

Damon: Fists flew across the room as Damon tried to beat Tyler in a fit of rage.

"Stop!" You yelled out to both of them, not wanting to intervene and hurt one of them. In a moment of weakness, Tyler stopped running, Damon took this as his chance and grabbed him by the neck, throwing him across the room to crash into the coffee table, breaking it to pieces.

Damon started toward him, who knows what he would do in this state, with this much pent up rage.

You sped in front of Damon before he could reach little wolf boy. You pushed your hands up to his chest, in a desperate plea to make him stop.

"Damon! Killing eachother isn't going to do any good." You said firmly as you stared into his furious eyes. His brows furrowed deeply, making the faint lines on his forehead become more clear. He wasn't even looking at you. He was so angry, so blindly furious that all he could do was keep his stare on Tyler, it was almost animalistic.

"Damon!" You said a little louder, trying yet again to gain his attention. It was as if he couldn't hear you. He walked around you and continued to head toward Tyler, who at this point, was both weak, and petrified. You sped yet again in front of Damon, but this time, instead of trying to convince him to stop, you wrapped your arms around him. A little cliche, a little irrational, but it was the only idea you had left.

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