Klaus Mikaelson- Hold up

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//Klaus cheats on you with Hayley and you only find out when she turns out to be pregnant//

Five years. Thats how long you had been with Niklaus Mikaelson. Now, five years may not have been a substantial amount of time for the original, but time had no impact on his feelings for you, and the unbelievable love you had with one another.

In fact, anyone who knew of the infamous Klaus Mikaelson, knew you as the girl who managed to tame the big bad wolf itself, and claim its heart in the process.


You had returned home from your little trip to Mystic Falls, only to find your household in ruins. Klaus was in a screaming match with Rebekah as Elijah stood his ground behind his sister- the tension running high and the fury apparent as ever between the three siblings.

"How could you do that to her?!" Rebekah boomed, shoving Klaus' chest as she boiled over with anger.

"It meant nothing. It was a mistake." He growled in return, although not retaliating- knowing that he was deserving of her wrath.

"Please," Elijah spoke up, mentally holding himself back from tearing his younger brother apart as he tried to be the voice of reason. "As tempting as it may be, I don't think screaming at one another like animals is going to solve anything."

"Elijah, this is not the time for nobility." Rebekah spoke through gritted teeth, squinting her eyes shut and balling her fists in anger.
"You'd think that watching me have my heart relentlessly broken, again and again would have taught you something about loyalty." She spat. "But you know nothing of the word!"

"What the hell's going on?" You frowned in confusion, putting your things down carelessly as you started toward the living room. The sound of your voice caught them all by surprise, especially Niklaus- whose heart dropped to his stomach as you reached the doorway. The roars lulled to a dull silence, and Rebekah shot you a pained expression you couldn't quite read. But Nik's practically screamed; 'guilt'.

"Is everything okay?" You spoke again, growing more and more anxious by the second. You looked at the three around you- Elijah avoiding eye contact solemnly as your gaze landed back on Klaus.

"Nik? Whats going on?" Your stance was frozen as you stood with worry.

"Love," He began. His voice almost cracking and his eyes on the verge of tears. Barely composing himself before walking over to you, he grasped your hands in his own and held them tightly, "there's something you must know."

Your eyes were wide, scanning his features for any sort of sign as to what was happening. What did you need to know?

"When you were away, in Mystic Falls," He sighed, clearly struggling with whatever it was he was about to say as he fiddled with your hands in his grasp, staring at the floor, "I committed an irredeemable act of selfishness."

"No." You breathed almost instantly, ripping your hands from his grip as you began to back away from him in disbelief and shock, knowing all too well what words were about to leave his lips. His mouth opened but he couldn't form any words- he knew an apology wouldn't fix anything. Elijah watched on with sorrow, and Rebekah stood back, the scene before her ever so similar in its pain.

"You didn't." You frowned, biting your tongue to suppress your tears as you continued to back away from the man you loved- the man who was slowly breaking you.

"Y/N," He sighed, his head cocked to the left and his eyebrows furrowed as he inched his way toward you.

"No!" You yelled with a shake of your head, still in total disbelief, storming back over to him and placing your hands on his chest, looking up at him with glassy eyes and a lump in your throat.

"Please- Please tell me you didn't cheat on me. Say you didn't." You spoke weakly with a forced scoff and a fake smile breaking through your words.

You searched his face for any sign of falsity. But all you found was a broken man; a tear sliding down his cheek as his eyes avoided your own. This was answer enough.

Your stomach twisted and your heart felt hollow. You bit your bottom lip, lifting a hand to cover your mouth as the other left Klaus' chest as you began to walk away.

"How could you!" You screamed as you turned on your heal, glaring at him with tear-stricken eyes. "What happened to always and forever?!"

His jaw clenched and he squinted his eyes shut as your reminder tore through him like a knife.

The silence was excruciating. All you wanted to hear was the sound of laughter, and one of the siblings you held so dearly tell you it was all some sort of sick joke. But you wouldn't hear anything of the kind.

"Y/N, as sorry as I am for my brothers dastardly actions, I'm afraid to tell you he's leaving out one very crucial piece of information." Elijah spoke up sympathetically, his eyes gentle, and full of regret.

"What more can there be?" You sobbed. The silence had returned, and everyone looked to Klaus for an answer. But his eyes remained glued to the floor with guilt.

"Tell me." You glared at him, but still, his jaw sat tightly clenched as he hung his head in shame.

"She's with child." Rebekah spoke up suddenly, solemnly. You're world froze. "Hayley- She's pregnant with Nik's child. I'm so sorry, Y/N."

"Thats- not possible." You breathed with complete shock and hurt.

"We didn't think so at first either, but there seems to be a sort of loophole in the hybrid cycle." Elijah added. Each and every decibel leaving his lips being encased with the greatest sympathy and regret as he watched your heart break right in front of his eyes.

It took everything in you to compose yourself, but with the exception of a few tears and a shaky voice, you did.

"Is there anything you'd like to say Klaus?" You choked out passive aggressively. "Anything at all? Because this is your last chance."

"It was a mistake." He spoke, biting his lip to suppress his tears as he finally looked up at you with sad eyes.

"Yeah," You scoffed sadly, shaking your
head with false amusement, "it was."

OMG YOU GUYS!! I LOVE YOU!! This book hit a million, and from that time, its gotten another 70k!!I'm so so sorry about the lack of updates, I feel so bad, but exams are coming up and I've been studying hardcore. I never thought it would ever get this far, so thank you so very much for supporting me and my work, because it truly means a lot to me.xx

This one was a bit of a downer, but I'll do a part two to this if you guys would like?

If so, comment who you'd like Y/N to end up with.xx

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