Elijah (& Klaus)- Conflicted PART 1

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//You're turned with Elijah's blood in your system, becoming sired to him and inevitably, falling in love- beginning to drift from your boyfriend, Klaus, who does not take the revelation well//

The pain was indescribable. Your gums ached, your eyes burned, and It was like every fiber in your body had been shut off, readjusted, and then switched back on- bursting with power and strength to the point of being overwhelming. But that's exactly how it goes; you ingest vampire blood, you die, and then you go into transition. It was as simple as that. But when one was as closely linked with the original family as you were, nothing was ever really that simple.


Once upon a time, you were human- you were madly, deeply, unfathomably in love with Klaus Mikaelson, and the world made sense. But things, as they always inevitably do, took a turn for the worse. Elijah, Niklaus' brother had saved your life one morning- feeding you his blood to heal your battle wounds after an attack from a rogue hybrid. But by dawn, there was no one there to help you. A fatal snap of the neck was all it took- and thats when the ball really started rolling.


You had adjusted to the vampire lifestyle quite well, really. Niklaus, while having been devastated by your turn, tried to brighten the mood a little by showing you 'the fun side' of vampirism- taking you out to teach you how to feed and compel properly. But as you both quickly realized, you had seemed to have followed in Elijah's footsteps when it came to feeding- having a much more humane and merciful sense of getting by, like the older Mikaelson.

But you and Niklaus' newfound differences didn't seem to stop there. In fact, you had even began to grow apart, whether you wanted to admit it or not.

You had started hanging around Elijah during the day while Nik was out conspiring with his ever-growing following of hybrids. And when he returned home one night, it clicked inside you that the spark you had once shared with the original had been dulled to a faint flicker, fighting for oxygen- but when you looked at Elijah, it was like a blazing inferno. So, you followed your heart and broke it off with the infamous original.

You were deeply in love, unknowingly sired and ultimately, conflicted.


You'd had a fight with Klaus- despite no longer being together, his feelings for you remained strong. He was drowning his paranoia and woes out in copious amounts of alcohol. He too, had taken notice of the growing fondness between you and his brother, but had yet to act upon it for fear of his assumptions getting the better of him.

"Drowning your sorrows, dear brother?" Rebekah mused nonchalantly as she descended the staircase, having been in the midst of getting ready to go out.

"It appears so." He sighed, downing the rest of his glass before standing up from his slumped position in the armchair, and pouring himself another.

"My, such woe Niklaus." She pointed out somewhat teasingly as she adjusted her necklace in the mirror, "Well? What's got your knickers in a twist?" He scoffed at her remark.

"It seems as if our nobel brother has become quite involved with Y/N."

"You really must be paranoid if you would ever think of Elijah as doing such a thing, he knows you still care about her." She added, turning around to face her brother solemnly.

"I know what I saw, Rebekah." He near-growled as he slouched back down into his chair.

"And what exactly did you see?" She crossed her arms, awaiting a response. Honestly, she was quite offended that Nik would even make such an assumption about 'Lijah. Niklaus clenched his jaw as he let out a heavy breath.

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