Your first kiss

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Stefan: Your first kiss with Stefan was quite early on in your inevitably budding romance. You had caught each other's eye while passing through the school hall- Stefan being completely and utterly taken by your beauty, and not daring to pass up an opportunity to introduce himself. The two of you had instantly hit it off, and there was no doubting the chemistry.


You had been speaking for almost three weeks, and your feelings for Stefan had only gotten stronger in the time you had spent together. The pair of you weren't completely official as of yet, but regardless, you had decided to invite him over for dinner- to meet your family. He, of course, accepted the invitation, but there was no denying the underlying worry he felt. Would they like him? Would he make a good first impression?


The night had gone off without a single flaw. Stefan had made a remarkable impression on your family, and had set their standards for your choice in company to an all-time high. It being needless to say that they were quite impressed with his humble mannerisms and kindhearted spirit. You had all finished eating, quiet laughter filling the room as you stood to collect the dishes, not wanting to disturb conversation as you were rewarded with a chorus of thank you's.

A smile graced your lips as you set the dishes by the sink, thinking of how well the night had played out.

"Need any help?" Stefan grinned as he joined you in the kitchen.

"I told you there was nothing to worry about." You beamed, turning around to face him.

"Yeah," He chuckled, "I guess you were right."

"They loved you." You added happily. Unbeknownst to you both, the two of you had subconsciously inched closer to one another- being mere centimeters apart, so as your chests just about touched with each breath you took. You looked at the distance between the two of you before moving your gaze up to his.

Upon meeting Stefan, you had known that your growing chemistry would evolve into something quite meaningful. But in that moment, after seeing the liking your family; those whom had meant the most to you, took to him, you were overcome with a rush of adoration and love. Your eyes flickered down to his lips, before you stepped forward, moving onto the tips of your toes to reach his height and capturing them in yours- into a kiss.

The kiss was sweet, and left a feeling of warmth that spread throughout your chest as you smiled into it and moved your arms to rest around the back of his neck. Bending down slightly, his shoulders rolled forward as he leaned into the kiss after the initial shock had subsided.

Out of breath, you finally pulled away- your eyes still closed as you savoured the sweet moment in your mind, relaxing to your normal height as Stefan smiled to himself.

Damon: Stefan Salvatore was your best friend, and had been for as long as you could remember. He confided in you with everything, be it; his ripper days, Elena, even the ongoing, somewhat unspoken feud with his brother, Damon.


You had arrived at his house, the brief knock on the thick, wooden door being responded to by the eldest Salvatore. Despite all Damon had done in the past- his reckless behaviour and rebellious persona, you couldn't help but have a soft-spot for the vampire, your heart fluttering at his presence.

"y/n," He greeted with a smirk, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"That would be my friendship with your brother." You retorted obviously, with a sly grin, none-the-less. "Is he here?"

"Last I heard, he was off gallivanting with his lady friend." He quirked, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

"Ah," You chuckled, "Elena. Well, I guess I'll come back later th-"

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