Chapter 20

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I had just gotten settled in my room, kicked back when I heard Gyu's knock on my door. I braced myself for the worst when I let him in. By the look on his face, I could tell it wasn't going to be good. It took a lot of courage for him to confide in me. It seems he was doing this a lot these days. First the news about Mari, and now what went down in the restaurant between Soobin and Kate. I couldn't blame him if he didn't want to tell me. In all actuality it was strictly between the two of them. But he knew Kate meant the world to me. Sometimes maybe too much. I'd do anything in my power to protect her, and he knows that too. But he's also aware if I get too close I'll lose control. That's the beauty of loving Kate. It just can't be helped. Gyu walked in and I closed the door behind him. I had gone downstairs to fix myself a drink only moments ago. It's not as good as Kate makes it, but it'll do. I normally drink Red Bull and vodka, but tonight I had a taste for rum and coke. Of course, my drink was the first thing Gyu eyed when he came into my room. He groaned, "Please tell me you're not drinking." I chuckled running my index finger under my nose, "Gyu, I know I've had a few tonight." He shook his head, "It's fine. You may need something stronger once I'm done talking to you." My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach, "Dear god...what did that fucker do?" He sat down in the chair with his folded hands between his parted legs. His chin dropped to his chest, "You have to promise me you won't say a word to Kate. She doesn't know I'm in here. But I need to talk to someone. And I just seem like I can trust you even after all you and I have been through over her." I collapsed onto the foot of my bed. Oh geez! Trust. There's that sinful word for me. He shouldn't put so trust in me. If he'd known I tried to coerce Kate to be with me tonight he'd be ashamed to even call me his friend. Here he is. Sitting in my room. With tears in his eyes. I heard him say, "Junnie, it was awful. He really hurt her. And I'm so scared. Scared of losing the one thing I love the most. Why? Why did he do this...again? Why can't he just leave her the fuck alone?"'I gulped thinking to myself... 'Gyu, please don't run. That's the worst thing you could do.' I didn't have the answers he was looking for. I didn't know what Soobin's intentions meant, and I made  Gyu aware of it. I didn't know what he wanted from me. I'm not good at giving advice. Oh, I can give it, but I don't heed to it myself. I've broken every promise I've ever made to him when it comes to my Just Kate. This right here broke my heart to hear that Soobin had attacked her again. I swiped away at a tear that had cascaded down my cheek, barley holding on as it reached my jawline. My lovely Just Kate. I didn't need all the gory details. Just knowing what Soobin had done could've been prevented if any of us had paid close attention. Kate needed our protection, and we all let her down. I felt a quiver in my chest, "Gyu, from what Tae and Kai have told me, Kate knows more about Soob's than any of us. He opened up to her," a taste of bitterness rose up in the back of my throat, "She knows his deepest, darkest secrets. The reason he is the way he is. I know that doesn't help since I don't have a clue as to what that is. Tae's mentioned some things to her, and Soobin unfolded like a flower." Gyu gazed at me hurtfully, "What the f***? Why is Kate getting so involved in his back story? Do you think he used that to persuade her?" I shrugged, "I don't know, buddy. And you know Kate. She's so caring even to her worst enemy. Maybe you should talk to her about it." Gyu shook his head, closing his eyes, "I don't think I have the strength to do so. It'll just start an argument, and that's something I want to prevent. I already need to face Soobin. And I don't know how I'm going to handle him without wanting to kill him. Junnie, she has bruises. One on her face and others on her.. ." I twisted my nose in disgust. I recalled quite well that night in the hospital. I was hoping to never relive that moment. To never go back. Kate didn't deserve to be treated like that then, let alone, now. If there was any way I could get to her, I'd wrap my arms around her and just hold her. I reminded Gyu of that, "Just hold her, man. Hold her tight. That's what she needs. She needs you to be there. To know you love her despite this. Don't desert her or run away. Stay by her side. Walk this with her. You'll get through it. You'll survive. You'll overcome this together." Gyu gripped the shirt on the arm of the chair, twisting it into his balled fist, "Junnie, do you think I'm a fool? I love her too much to leave her now. I just wanted advice on how to handle Soob's. But I also wanted to make you aware of what went on tonight." I nodded telling him how much I appreciated it. It was hard sitting here stomaching this kind of news, especially on the night before Kate leaves. Suddenly I didn't want my drink anymore. In fact, the pasta I'd eaten, churned to sourness in the pit of my stomach. I looked at Gyu, running a hand through my hair, "Dude, if you do anything, don't provoke him. That's the worse thing you can do to Soob's. You and I both know that. You know what he's capable of." Gyu grunted in irritation, "And I don't like confrontation. I just want him to think he can get away with this, or that this is acceptable behavior." I didn't want to sound like was sticking up for Soobin, and maybe it would come across like I was, but I noticed it on the drive home. I stated, "I believe he feels really bad for what he's done. I think he realizes he was in the wrong." Gyu snapped me, "Damn straight! How can say that!? He deserves to be punished for his actions, Junnie! He hurt Kate!" I agreed, "I'm aware of that. But we also have to keep the peace. If our manager catches wind of any of this, we are all going down. We have to be careful and tread lightly." Gyu pushed out of the chair mad as hell, "And so Kate has to be the one who suffers at the hands of Soob's. That's not fair to her, Junnie. She shouldn't have to go through this, and not do a damn thing about it. I know our career is on the line. But I don't think it's right. There's got to be something we can do." I shrugged my shoulders, "Anything is possible, but it'll have to be Kate's decision. She's the victim here. We're just the witnesses. What does she say?" Sadly Gyu knew she hadn't said one way or the other, but in his heart he knew Kate would just swallow the pain and move on. She always took the bad with the good. That was the price she paid for being so caring. He paced the floor, "She hasn't, and that's what scares me. She knows how important our job is to us." I forced a smile, "Then I don't think you have anything to worry about. Kate has a level head. She'll do what she thinks is best. And you'll have to be man enough to stand by her decision. Will you be able to do that....even if it means losing your career?" I watched the way Gyu dropped back down into the chair surging his fingers into his hands. He groaned hurtfully, "Ugh! I just want justice for Kate. She deserves something for all the hell this  asshole has put her through." I couldn't agree with him more, but he had to see that I was right. As much as I thought Soobin needed some kind of punishment for his actions, I also wanted peace in the house. There's been enough pain and heartache here lately. And yes, Soobin was at the brunt of it. So I asked him again, "Gyu, are you willing to lose everything, everything you've worked so hard for, based on Kate's decision? You have to think on these things before seeking action on the monster. He got lucky last time, and that was permanent damage. He took something from you guys that was irreplaceable." Gyu raised tear filed eyes up at me, "Do you think I don't think about that? When I saw the marks, the way she was acting, it all came back. How did you do it? Handle it, I mean? I've seen Kate scared, but never like that, Junnie. I just can't believe she's willing to risk herself to save us all."  I sat there remembering that morning  I got the call. I caught the first flight out not telling the guys. When Gyu couldn't be reached, I took it upon myself to get to her. I remember seeing her laying helplessly in the hospital bed. The bruise on her face. I hated Soobin in that moment after I found out he had done this to her. I know exactly how and why Gyu is feeling the way he's feeling. I've been there. My eyes fell to the floor, "It was hard, Gyu, but you have to be harder. Be stronger. Kate is tough. She'll come through. In fact, she's probably bouncing back as we speak." Gyu cracked a smile. 'How well he knew my Kitty Kate.' I had heard him say how Kate was willing to risk herself to save us all, and my heart sank. I'd never known anyone like Just Kate before. And I knew I'd never love again the way I loved her...the way I still love her. But I couldn't tell Gyu that. I'm already supposed to be distancing myself from her, and she made it clear to me tonight that we were through. It broke me to see her walk away. After talking about our love and us underneath the stars. I would have given anything to chase after her, and maybe if I had, none of this would've happened with Soobin. I know I can't blame myself, but I'm some way I feel really guilty for allowing her to go back inside the restaurant. I don't need to be thinking about myself. I can do that on my own time. Right now, the focus is on Gyu and how he can protect Kate. Kate and I had our time, and I let her go, despite my feelings, because I knew she was in love with Gyu. It was painful and it hurt like hell, and I knew the day I slid the apartment key over to him. I'd regret the decision I made. I'm glad to see he's finally happy, and I admire the way Kate's eyes dance when she mentions his name. I just wish they did the same for me. At least now I can breathe a little knowing she'll be worlds away, and Soobin won't have such an easy access to her. I'll miss her that's for sure. I'll miss the way she lays her head on my chest, the feel of her in my arms, the taste of her kiss, the way she looks at me biting that lower lip of hers. I'll miss it all...all we ever had. They are memories I will hold onto, and reflect back when I need a peaceful place to go. I just can't believe tonight was our final goodbye. Gyu and I were startled by the slamming of a door. I was woken from my trance of my love for Kate. Was that Gyu's door? It sounded like Gyu's. I asked, stammering over my words, "Dude, where's Kate?" Gyu's eyes widened in horror, "My room." We  both clambered on our feet, and Gyu jerked the door open. He glanced down the hall towards Soobin's room, his door was opened. He got a knot in his chest. Then he heard a slap. We heard a slap. And the sound of Kate's muffled cry, and what sounded like something crashing to the floor. It couldn't be? He wouldn't have the nerve...would he?

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