Chapter 39

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Several days have passed since Kate left Seoul. She was now residing in Daegu. It was hers and Gyu's secret not to let anyone know in the group that she did not fly out to California. Only Gyu's knows that her contract was moved to Daegu. He feels more comfortable knowing that she's home and closer to him. Yet, he still has to play the part of the lost fiancé. And he seemed to be doing pretty well. The guys were buying it as long as he kept his contacts with her to a minimum. He could talk to her for hours and wear a smile on his face. She simply brought out the love in him. And he did the same to her. Gyu just happened to be lounging around in his bedroom when the FaceTime came through. It was his Kitty Kate calling  to let him know how things were going at the studio, BighHit, and that she was working at the Gypsy as well. He had advised her not to overdo it, or push herself too much to where she'll wear herself out. She had witnessed the strain recording has done to Gyu many times before, and he didn't want to see her physically and mentally worn out. If he knew his Kitty Kate, he knew she wouldn't give up until the song screamed perfection. She showed him her private studio when she FaceTime him, and gave him a walk through of their future home. It was a beautiful place, and he couldn't wait to share it with her.  He told her he was so proud of her and that he loved her, and reminded her that TXT was shooting the video to "Frost" in a few days, and that he might be unavailable to respond right away. She clearly understood. She knew the life he led and had learned to accept the musician in him. She strongly believes in him, and appreciates all that he has achieved, and the same went for him when it came to her.

Kate had spent all day in the studio, and now she was finishing up her day at the Gypsy. Instead of performing, she was waiting on tables. One of the servers called in sick, so Kate decided to fill in. It was all fine and good. This is the life she knew and one that she enjoyed. She hustled and bustled around the club, serving up drinks with a smile. Today she felt a little on edge. She had woken up sick as a dog, and had barely been able to keep anything down...including her favorite iced caramel macchiato. She figured she may had caught a 24 stomach bug because now she felt fine...just nervous. She's so afraid her secret was going to get out and any minute someone from TXT would come bursting through those doors. She was walking passed a high top table when she recognized the female sitting there alone. She was nibbling on a pretzel, and looking very distraught. Kate cringed, realizing it was her table. She tried to be casual as she carried the tray of drinks, "I'll be right with you." The dark haired, dark eyed woman lifted her eyes meeting Kate's. She nodded. Kate walked away dreading coming back. She was the last person she wanted to see. The incident at the TXT house still weighed heavy on her mind. Just the way she walked in, making herself at home, like she owned the place. All the words that were spoken, and the night she saw her here with another man. Her involvement with Gyu's life left Kate fuming. After serving the drinks to another table, Kate returned, setting the tray down. She laid a cocktail napkin down in front of the woman, and pulled out her pad, "Welcome to the Gypsy. What can I get for you?" The dark haired woman motioned to the empty seat, "Kate, can I have 5 minutes?" She looked around at the crowd, then back at the woman, "Mari, I'm very busy." She pleaded, "Kate, please. Just give me 5 minutes." Kate stood there, "Why are you here? I thought you were banned from this place." She looked away in tears, "Kate, I know you hate me." Kate sighed, adjusting her stance, "Mari, hate is such a strong word. I have no reason to hate you. Dislike is more like it, but even at that...I can't understand why you would want to ruin my Cookie's life. What did he ever do to you to make you even think you could get away with this? And on top of that, following him around into private places?" She reached for a napkin on the table and dabbed her eyes, "Kate, I'm not into that lifestyle anymore. After Bimi was born, none of that mattered. Gyu is adorable. But I love Soobin." Kate's green eyes widened in shock, "You what?" She nodded, licking her dry lips, "I love Soobin, Kate. And I need your help." Kate glanced over her shoulder to find Stan, the bartender, was eyeing her. She held her index finger and he gave her a quick nod. She faced Mari, "Look, you fix this mess you created on Cookie, and I might consider helping you." She laid her hand on Kate's arm, "I know how much Soobin admires you. You were always the object of his desire. But he's mine. Kate, I'm really sorry all this happened. I never wanted to go along with it. But I was young and in love. I did anything Soobin wanted me to do. At the time I had no idea how this would affect Gyu's life. I was young and stupid. I knew the baby was Soobin's, but I went along with his plan anyway. I knew Soobin wouldn't take care of me." Kate picked up the tray and slammed it down on the table going very rational after hearing those words. Mari jumped in her skin. She knew she had it coming. She deserved it for what she had done. Kate snapped, "So you blatantly screwed my fiancé over just for kicks. Did you think he was an easy target to suck him in on money? Do you even realize how hard Cookie had to fight to keep all this quiet? How much his so-called distrust hurt his parents?" She cried, "Kate, I said I was sorry. I know sorry's not enough, and it'll never make up for what I did. I promise I'll sign the papers as soon as I receive them, and I'll personally hand deliver them here. I know you love Gyu, and I want to bring all this to an end, and give him the peace and closure he needs. I'll also return all the money he's paid me for the care of Bimi." Kate's shoulders slumped. Gyu paid her? She knew he paid child support, but was there more?" She asked, "You'll do that, Mari?" Mari wiped under her eyes, "Yes. Soobin called me several days ago, and it got me thinking. I was so sentimental. I heard his voice and I fell apart. I remembered how good we were. How in love I thought we were even when I knew in my heart he had eyes for you. I love him so much, Kate. I know he's messed up, but I need him. He's so beautiful to me. I'd take all of him. The bad and the ugly if he'd just love me in return. Gyu's money could never replace what I need from Soobin. Please say you'll help me. You can reach out to him. He'll listen to you. Will you do this for me?" Kate was surprised she was asking for her help. She's not supposed to let the guys know she's here in Daegu. All of them think she's in California, all but Gyu. Maybe she could make a call. If she does she'll be feeding into Soobin's hands. Mari seems sincere and loves Soobin very much. She closed her eyes. The helping side of her was screaming to come out. But it would be worth the risk if it meant Gyu would finally be free from all this. Kate scribbled something on the pad, ripped it off and turned it over on the table. She stated, "I'll bring you a drink on the house. What would you like?" Mari looked down at the piece of paper and then up at Kate, "Cranberry juice and vodka." Kate wrote it down with a nod. As she walked away Mari picked up the piece of paper and turned it over. It read: "Meet me at the Vintage after my shift. Coffee on me." Mari smiled feeling a little bit more at ease. Kate was willing to speak with her outside of this place...even after everything that she had put them through. Maybe Kate wasn't so bad after all. Soobin always seemed to make Kate out to be such a horrible person, but in reality she was a blessing in disguise. She knew Soobin did more than just admire her. He was totally obsessed with the strawberry blond. She'd seen pictures of Kate on his phone. She was his personal screensaver, a picture of him and her. One he had somehow photoshopped. But that never stopped her love affair with him. She recalled that he told her he never wanted to be married. He enjoyed his play life. He could never see himself tied down. And yet, he's attached himself to Katelyn Blue. She was never aware of his attack on the Gypsy waitress, or what he had achieved to make her life a living hell. After she was married to Gyu and Bimi was born, she never knew Soobin's next move. It wasn't too soon after her and Gyu said "I do" that he fled the scene, making his way to the music academy, never looking back. She was left alone to have her baby alone. At the time, if she didn't have Soobin in her life, she at least thought she'd have Gyu. In the end, she lost them both. Soobin was wrong for turning his back on her, and laying her pregnancy on someone else. Yes, she was fascinated with the agora me Gyu. He   was so irresistible, and she was drawn to his aura. That's why she decided to be his saesang. Even when she took an interest in Soobin, she still followed Gyu around. Being his neighbor made it easy. She would watch him from her bedroom window. Snap pictures at the most inconvenient time. She'd even followed him to Kate's one day, lurking behind bushes just to capture the perfect moment. She remembered telling Soobin about it when he happened to see her film in her bedroom. He thought she was nuts for doing such a thing, and accused her for having an affair outside of their relationship. Deep down he was doing the same thing with the green eyed freckle faced friend of Gyu's. He just didn't see it. Once she found out she was pregnant, her dimpled face boyfriend cooked up a plan and left her to burn in the fire. And yet, she still loved him. When their son was born and placed in her arms, he was the spitting image of his father. It only made her love Soobin so much more. Little Bimi Choi. It's been almost 3 years and Bimi is toddling, and needs his father more than anything.

Kate returned with Mari's drink and placed the slender glass on the cocktail napkin. Mari thanked her taking a sip of her drink. She smiled. "Oh, that's perfect. You guys always did have the best drinks here." Kate returned the smile, "Enjoy. If you need anything else, just stop me." She walked away, and collided into Junseo. He had her little black book in his hand, "There you are." She looked at up her bass player and friend, "Junseo. What brings you here? I thought you and Jin were turning in for the night." He winked at her, holding up her music book, "Impressive works here. Always knew you were talented." She reached for it, "Where did you...? I guard that with my life." He smiled, tucking a strand that had found its way out of her messy ponytail, behind her left ear, "You left it behind. And I've spent a good hour reading over your latest creations. I know I shouldn't have peeked into your privacy, but you know I've never been one to resist your work. Your latest entry...another goodbye to Gyu. You're so sweet on him. It's cute." Kate knew Junseo always liked her a bit more than a friend, but with him being her brothers brother friend, she never dared to see him as anything more. Not even when he was with 1the9 before they were disbanded. It's always been Beomgyu Choi. She took her book from his long fingers, feeling a bit uneasy, "Thank you." His hand moved to caress her cheek, "You're looking a little flushed. You feeling ok, Kate?" Come to think of it, she did feel very hot, but she only assumed it was because she was running around. And her nausea had returned. He pulled out a chair, and helped her down, "Kate, sit down. I'll be right back." He scurried off towards the bar, and returned with a glass of ice water. She forced a smile, "Junseo, I'm fine....but thank you." He declared, "Sweetheart, you look like you're about to pass out. What's going on? I could tell something was off today." Kate took a drink of water, "I'm just tired. I'll get my second wind." He reached for her hand, "Kate, maybe all this is too much. The studio, this place." He looked around. She shook her head, "I can't give it up. It's my home. I can do this, Junseo." He leaned into her, "Kate, I believe you can, but it's more than just the Gypsy. You'll spend  all day in the studio. Sometimes up until the wee hours of the morning searching for that perfect tune for that one song. You won't have time to bus tables, and perform on that stage. You're going to have to choose your battles. Or you're going to stretch yourself so thin you'll break. Trust me. I've been there." She looked at her watch, "I get off in 2 hours." She drank another swallow. He shook his head, "You're as stubborn as Jin. Don't make me sick him on you. Please slow down. I'll see you tomorrow." He left her alone at the table.

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