Chapter 45

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Kate was on her break when her phone rang. She had been running rampant since she walked into the studio. She was nearly exhausted from no sleep, and waking up again hovering over the toilet dry heaving. She had just sat down on the leather sofa in her cutesy studio with a bottle of water. She answered with a smile as she nibbled on a saltine cracker, "Cookie. Morning. I thought y'all had a recording today." Even the cracker was unsettling. She feared the worst, but she just couldn't find the time to see a doctor. She just started at BigHit, and she could lose everything in a matter a months if she's not careful. He stated sadly, "Baby, we do." His head hung low, "Something's happened here." She panicked, "What is it? Cookie, please tell me you're all right." He pressed his lips together, "I am, baby. It's you I'm concerned about. Your safety. I think Mari has let the cat out of the bag. You may not be safe in Daegu." She fell back against the sofa cushion, "Oh shit!" He stated, "Screw the video. I'm on my way. With our two heads we'll figure something out." She closed her eyes, "Cookie, do you really think Soobin will find me? I can't deal with this? I've got too much on my mind with this song that I can't seem to get right. I'm so scatterbrained. And on top of that I can barely keep anything down. I just can't think. I need to see a doctor, but I can't." He gulped stopping midways from stuffing a few things in his overnight bag, "Kitty Kate, oh my god...are you sick?" Her eyes filled with tears, "Cookie, I think it's much more than that. Please get here. What are you going to tell everyone when they see you leaving." He had to stop and think. His brother. Yes. He use his brother as an excuse. It just had to work. He explained to her his plan. He knew Kate was fearing the worst, and would think Soobin was lurking around the corners, until Gyu got there. He continued to pack a few extra things, not knowing exactly how long he'll stay, "I'll be there in a few hours. Kate, it's going to be ok. Trust me." She shook her head, "Just get here. Drive safe. Love you." He told her he loved her too, and would come straight to the studio. He also told her to go ahead and contact Stan at the Gypsy that he'd needed to find her a replacement for awhile. That didn't go over well because Gyu knew how much she loved working there, but it was for her safety. The less Mari saw of her the better.

Kate had called Stan and explained to him why she couldn't work for a few days. She had come down with a virus. He understood and told her he'd help her out in any way he could. He also mentioned that her job was secure and too take as much time as she needed. He was always so good to her...just like Junnie. Stan was one of Junnie's closest friends at the Gypsy. He adored her, and appreciated her work ethic there. She was one of his best. When she mentioned to him about Mari having access again, that didn't sit well with him. He advised her that he would fix that problem....just like he had with Chrys. He sensed the fear in her voice and asked her, "Kate, what's really going on? Are you in trouble?" She swallowed back her tears. She didn't know how to tell him that it revolved around Soobin since he knew the guys well. She sobbed, "Stan, just do what you can. I'm safe, ok. I just need this one favor. If anyone comes looking for me, you don't know I'm here, I'm in California, all right?" He cleared his throat, "Kate, I don't like the sound of this. Please tell me what's going on. And what does California have to do with anything." She sighed, staring at the water bottle on the table, "Originally my plan was to record in California. Then it got transferred to Daegu. I never told TXT I was here. They all think I'm in the west coast. Well, except, Cookie...You know, Beomgyu." He hummed, "I see. I'll cover for you as long as I can." She thanked him and said she'd be in touch. She hung up, closing her eyes, and dropped her chin to her chest. The door to the studio opened, and her brother walked in. Jin had seen his sister in tears for days, and now was the perfect opportunity to get the story. He knew she wouldn't talk in front of Junseo and the others. He sat down on next to his sister, "Hey, sis." She glanced at him casually, and there he saw the tears. He shook his head, "Ok. Talk to me. You've been acting strange since you got here." She faked a smile, "Jin, I'm fine. Just a little emotional. That's all. Missing Cookie." He knew she missed Gyu, and he was glad to finally see they were working out. But something else was bothering her. A brother knew these things. Even though he was a few years older, he always knew when something was eating at Kate. And he knows she has not been up front from with with all that has been happening in the TXT house. He knew of her attraction to Junnie since the lodge, and of course, her sweet teenage crush with Gyu. But anything else, he wasn't sure of. He just hopes it's not Junnie or Gyu that had caused the tears. He recalls her miscarriage months ago, and remembers the cause. He knows she thinks if this often, and how ecstatic she was when she found out she was pregnant with Gyu's baby. She was counting down the days and planning for a wedding. Then something went wrong. She lost it all in one night. He never did find out who did it to her. But he had a feeling it was someone she knew really well. He never pressured her, and knew in time she would tell him. Kate grimaced, adjusting her position. She turned to face her brother, "Jin, you worry too much about me." He smiled, "Kate, don't begrudge me for that. I have every right. Now tell me what's happened." And in that moment it all came out. Everything about Soobin, and what he'd done to her and to Gyu. All of it. Jin sat there floored. In tears himself, knowing this man had done this to his sister. And then she told him how she feared Soobin, but also how she wanted to help him. Jin definitely didn't understand that. He pulled his sister to him, hoping to ease a little bit of the pain. Then she told him she'd been sick...that's when he eased her back, and took her face into his hands. He asked, his eyes lowering to her abdomen, "Kate, do you think there's a could be?"

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