Chapter 71

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I honestly can not believe this was happening. I am so hurt to know how Soobin has crossed the line on our rekindling friendship. Phone sex? With my wife? When Kate told me all the things he had said, I was disturbed. Rattled. Shaken to the core. How could any man in his right mind say those things? Just how sick is he? I have too much respect for her to even talk dirty. What makes him think women get off on words like that? I just want to scream. Now more than ever I want to get to her and be with her. I need to get to Deagu asap. I'm ready to run. After all this, I'm highly considering dropping out of the group. I just haven't told them yet. Not even Kate. I can't do this anymore. Kitty Kate means too much to me to sit back and watch my so-called friends take advantage of her. I hate to desert my fans, but my wife and baby mean more to me than this lifestyle. It's time to let go here, and move forward with my newfound future. It's where I need to be. But I'm not quite sure how I'm going to tell them. I haven't discussed it with our manager yet. It just know it's coming. And today, this incident just gave me all the more incentive to make it happen. Soobin stated without a care, "She's like putty in my hands. She understands me and my needs." My head snapped up at him. My ears must be deceiving me. I argued, "Dude, you can't be serious! Do we really have to dig up old bones? Kate can't even begin to understand you or your needs. That's all in your head. Just because she's nice to you does not mean she gives a rats ass about you. And I'm really sick and tired of you thinking otherwise." I slammed my hands on my thighs and rose to my feet, "You know what? I'm done!" He chuckled, rolling his eyes, "Done? You can't be done. This will continue. All of this. It's not over, Gyu." I had nothing more to say. Soobin would never change his ways. Kate may have helped his mental stability but she only added gasoline to the fire. I don't blame her for trying to help him, but she never should have gotten too close. I'd warned her. Kate being Kate she was determined to know his background and see what drove him to be who he was. And now she's paying the price, and our marriage is reaping his vengeance. The only way I know how to save it, to protect it, is to walk away while I can. I made my way to the door. I was serious. I can't deal with him anymore. I'm not his nurse. And he just proved to me that he's still the same old cold hearted boy from high school. I opened the door and walked out, closing it on our friendship.

As I made my way down the stairs, I saw Tae come through the front door. Thankfully he has returned. He can put up with best friend now. I barely acknowledged him as I went back to my iPad in the kitchen. I stared at my phone on the table, recalling that devastating phone call from my love. Tears burned my eyes. Why does my woman have to suffer at the hands of Soobin Choi so? I sat down, and pulled up my email. I started typing. This was now or never. I can't look back. Moving forward is all I have no. I can think of my friends, but they'll be fine. The group will go on. I typed my resignation letter to our manager and hit send. I rested my elbows on table with my chin in my palms and waited as a solitary tear slid down my cheek. I was still staring at the screen when Tae walked in laying an envelope on the table. I quickly tapped a key to close out the screen. I acknowledged him, "Hey. How was your trip?" I wiped my damp cheeks. I was completely torn between my career and my future with Kate. I knew in my heart I was doing the right thing. Tae went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water. He cracked the cap and took a swallow. He replied, "It was good. The song turned out well. I was quite impressed with the finished product. I'm glad to be back. It was good seeing Kate." I couldn't hold back the tear that wanted to fall. As soon as I blinked, it fell. I sniffed, "That's good to hear. I'm glad you got to see Kate. She looks great, doesn't she?" Tae joined him at the table, "It was. Gyu, what's going on?" I shook my head. I didn't want to tell him. I'd rather no one knew about this. I'm still in shock it happened. Soobin's done some pretty rotten things, but this was the lowest of them all. I couldn't imagine my Kitty Kate, and her reaction to such trash. And I didn't want to know. That's why I am nipping this in the bud now. It all ends today with Soobin, with Junnie. Today, I am claiming my LOVESONG back, my Kitty Kate, my wife. I felt Tae's on me, but I didn't feel like talking. I know the shit will hit the fan once they catch wind that I've quit the group. You can't blame me for thinking of my family first. Kate's always come first. Even when I joined TXT, she was the first thing I thought of. She's my first in everything. Tae took another swig of his water, "All right, Gyu. Talk to me, buddy. Is it Soobs?" I only stared at the black screen. Just hearing that inconsiderate man's name made angrier. I knew not responding to him would not make the issue at hand go away. I wanted to be where Kate is. To wrap my arms around her and tell that we'll get through this too. Let her know that I love her, and I'm not mad at her. Even though I did scream at her for not hanging up. I'm literally in the middle of my friend and my wife, and I'd choose Kate over anything. Kate's been in my life longer than these guys, and Kai too. Kai may be hit the hardest once he hears the news, but he'll understand when I call him. For now, I'll let our manager the word on to Soobin, and he can gather everyone together and tell them himself. I need a break from all this. I want to go home. Ever since I went to see Kate, and found out we were having a baby, I didn't want to leave her. I wanted to walk this journey with her. I didn't want to miss a minute watching out baby grow in her womb. Kate and I need to be together. The long distance is not something I can handle. Not now. Not with all that's going. At least with me in Daegu, I can keep her safe. I won't have to worry. I had told our manager that I was leaving tonight. That will give him plenty of time to get the papers ready, stating I broke that contract, and he can email them to me to sign. I'll pack a bag, and take only what I can carry, and slip out the door once everyone's asleep. It's really sad that Kate and I have both suffered at the hands of Soobin, and we're still suffering at his expense. He thinks all this is fun and games. This is our life he's playing with. And I'm surprised Kate has not let depression get to her with all that he's done. She's so strong that I'm almost jealous at her strength, and her willingness to forgive. But that's what I love about her. She loves anyway.
Tae tried another motive, hoping Gyu would open up. Seeing him like this bothered Tae. Gyu hadn't been like since Kate tried to break up with him over the Mari situation.  Poor fellow. He sure hoped they weren't going down that route again. My eyes were red from tears that I've cried, and sore for holding in the tears that wanted to fall. He asked, "Did Kate tell you that I helped her with her song that is awaiting release?" Gyu lifted his eyes towards me, and replied sadly, "Really? She may have mentioned it. How was it?" I nodded, "You have yourself one talented woman. The song just needed some tweaking. We got it recorded, and her manager was so impressed he's releasing it tomorrow. Isn't that awesome, Gyu? Your Kate is releasing her debut song on air tomorrow." Another tear slid down my cheek I was so proud of her. And I would tell her so when I see her. Tae continued to tell me, "It's quite a moving song. Trust me. It had me in tears." Gyu cried, "Please no. I don't think I can cry anymore tears. I can't take it. She had so many other great songs to choose from. Upbeat songs. What convinced them otherwise?" Tae shrugged his shoulders, "I asked her the same thing. They seemed to be set on 'Please Remember.' They told her it was draw the audience in being this is her debut. It's no ball grabber, but it will soccer punch any heart." I felt Tae's eyes scrutinizing me, trying to figure me out. I squirmed a bit in my seat, uncomfortable., "Jesus! My girl is going to be the death of me. I don't  think I've ever heard her sing that song." He replied after downing the rest of his water, "It's new. That's why they went for it. Trust me, Gyu. She just may make as an artist." I swallowed hard. That's one thing I am afraid of. If I'm leaving TXT, I want my old Kate back. Just the writer who works at the Gypsy.

How would I ever be able to tell Kate that I changed my mind? This is not the lifestyle I want for her. At first, I was thrilled she got the offer, but the more I think about I don't want her to become someone's object of desire. I don't need some obsessive fan, male in particular, trailing her. And I surely don't want her touring. Maybe I'm being a bit greedy. Selfish in my own little way. After Tae mentioned all this, I've had a change of heart. I want a life with Kate just as we talked about, planned, many years ago. When it was just her and me. I gathered my things and rose to my feet. I looked at Tae pitifully, "Yeah. That's what I'm afraid of." I looked the kitchen for my room.  I needed to start packing, but I sat down on my bed and opened the envelope, retrieving the folded papers. I scratched the left side of my head with my index finger. Sure enough Mari St. James followed through. She kept her promise to Kate and signed the divorce papers. My heart leaped for joy, but I was still so heartbroken. I would get these to my lawyer asap, so Kate and I can officially be together. I checked my email for a response from our manager. No response yet. I quietly start packing. I locate my suitcase and I empty my closet and my dresser drawers. Next I start loading up my duffel bag with items off my dresser and from the bathroom. I put my acoustic guitar in its case, and I look around for my Louis Vitton carry on bag. In here I pack my iPad and all my writing materials, and anything else I'll carry on the plane. I was coming for Kate, and I couldn't wait to see her.

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