Chapter 41

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It was after midnight and I was stretched out on the leather sofa dozing, my hands interlocked at my waist. I needed a shower, but I didn't have the energy. I needed to sleep in my own bed, but I couldn't. It wasn't the same without Kate. So, I lay here fighting sleep. A pad and a pen lay on the floor where I had scribbled down a song. Like my Kitty Kate I have to write my feelings out. I thought I was only passing the time, but I'd rather be doing something better. Kate's here inside me, fanning the coals and the flame in my soul. I miss her opened arms and the feeling when she let me fall. I'd almost forgotten loving could be like this. I want to be where she is. I don't care that it's just a few hours away. I don't favor the distance, the miles apart. I haven't heard from her today, and I'm praying all is all right. I know I can't count on hearing from her everyday....if I hear from her at all. I'm going to have to get used to it. She's own her own time now not mine. Studio time can be unbearable, and on top of that, if she's working at the Gypsy, she's going to be exhausted. I was just about drift off to dream when my phone rang. Ringing??? I reached for it blindly on the floor, seeing that the time was almost 3 am. Who is calling me at 3 am. I didn't recognize the number. I almost disconnected the call when something told me to answer it. It may be about Kate. I hated to think something terrible had happened but anything could be possible. I answered around a long yawn, "Hello." There was an extended silence. I repeated, "Hello. Ok. Goodbye." Then I heard a voice I never thought I'd hear on the other end, "Gyu, wait." I cringed and bolted straight up, "How the hell did you get my number? You're not to have any contact with me! And besides, do you not have any concept of time?! I'm hanging up now!" I heard her say, "Gyu, I saw Kate today." The sound of her voice literally gave me chills and I shivered. I cursed, "What the fuck?! You stay away from her. Leave her out of everything! Do you hear me? What's between you and me, stays between you and me! If I hear you've even breathed on her, I'll have your ass in court!" She stated, "Gyu, please. I called to let you know that I'll resign the papers. I'll deliver them to Kate along with all your money." My jaw dropped. I must be dreaming. This was unlike Mari. We fought. We butted heads. The first go around. Why the change of heart? I grounded out, "What did you do? What have you done?" She sniffled, "Gyu, I did it for him. It's always been for him. I love him so much." She's crying on me. Oh hell no! She stated, "Tonight I realized Kate would do anything for you." I jumped to my socked feet and brought the phone out in front of me and yelled, "Why the fuck are you talking to Kate?" Geez, I need to keep my voice down, but this woman gets under my skin and rattles my bones. I brought the back to my ear and said, "I'm only going to this once more. Stay away from Kate." I tired to keep my tone civil, but it was very hard when talking to her. She cried harder, "Gyu, are you not hearing me?" I snapped repeating her words, "Are you not hearing me?!" She nodded, "I hear you, but did you hear a word I say? I want to put all this behind us." I dropped down on the edge of the sofa cushion and slipped onto the floor. Now I'm dreaming. I need to wake up. I start pinching myself. Slapping myself in the face. Anything to shake me from this nightmare.
I raked a hand through my hair. Curses!! I wanted out of this hell, but once again, I did not want Kate involved. Why the hell did Mari go and get her involved? I'll never hear the end of it. Mari will make sure of it. Is she telling me she's in love with Soobin now? It's always been about him...not me? I exhaled a breath, "Mari, please tell me this is no joke. We've been here before, and you were a bitch about it. You enjoy playing on my emotions. Kate is my life, and I don't like you messing with her." She stated honestly, "Gyu, I'm not messing with her. We actually had a very nice talk tonight." Ugh!!! This was getting worse and worse. Mari and my Kitty Kate are not to be getting along. It's supposed to be a cat fight." I groaned, "Why? Why are you even talking to her? Please tell me you were not at the house?" She replied, "No Gyu. The Gypsy." My eyes widened. Oh shit!! If she knows Kate's in Daegu, then our cover is blown. Mari is all loose lips. I swallowed hard. Kate's not safe. Then I asked her, "Why were you there? You were banded from the grounds." She pressed her lips together, "To see Kate. I needed her help. Gyu, she's so nice. She was so helpful." I curled my upper lip. I did not like this awkward feeling I was getting. This vibe radiating through the phone was very uncomfortable. Her voice cracked, "You're so lucky to have someone love you so much. Not just love you but to be in love with you. Maybe one day I'll have that with Soobin." I coughed. Dear god! She's playing my Kitty Kate right back into the hands of the very monster I'm trying to protect her from. I can't deal with this right now. I fight back the tears, "Mari, please...I beg of you. Keep Kate away from him. I need her safe. Is that clear?" I couldn't believe I was still conversing with her. I was growing very tired, and needed some much needed sleep.
I heard Mari's concern in her voice, "Gyu, I don't understand. What do you mean by 'keep her safe?'" Ugh! Lord help me! This woman truly was not thinking. I groaned, "Just as it sounds. I don't want her getting hurt by you or Soobs. Do you understand?" And she did, "Gyu, I'm well aware of what my bunny did, and I'm sorry he brought harm on both of you." It's just my luck that she knew that has gone on in the TXT house. Who's the rat? She went on, "I want to fix it, and the only way I know how is to turn my bunny away from her." I laughed a tied laugh, "Fix it? Mari, you can't fix the damage that has been done. Can you bring my baby back? Can you heal all the bruises Soobs has inflicted on Kate? Inside and out? All the cuts? I think not. And you trying your best to turn him away from my love, may be the beginning, but it's not enough! It'll never be enough!" I hadn't realized I'd been speaking loudly again. I wanted to get my point across. Fix it? My Daegu ass! She cried, "Gyu, I'm trying here. I'm just as messed us as all of you. I may had taken things a bit too far, but I see I was wrong. Kate opened up my eyes." I declared, "You're a spawn of pure evil, and I don't trust you. You'll just have to prove me wrong!" I hung up in her face, and blocked her number. Damn heifer! How did she get my number? I knew it was too late, but I needed to hear Kate's voice. I made my way up the stairs as her phone rang. Forgive me, Kate, for waking you. I heard a sleepy, "Hello." I sighed with relief. There's my girl, my love. I asked, holding the phone close to my ear, "Baby, did I wake you?" Did I wake her? How petty of me? Listen to the sound of her voice. I pulled back the covers, crawled into bed dressed in the clothes I've had on all day. I just wanted to fall asleep with her. I told her that I loved her. She moaned, "Cookie, I love you too." I asked around a yawn, "Kitty Kate, you'll never believe who called me. Did you give Mari my number?" Kate's eyes flew open, and she slowly sat up, gathering the Love Spell scented sheets up around her chest. Oh no! She squeezed her eyes shut, "Cookie, no. I didn't. Why would I do that? Why would I put you at risk?" I rolled over onto my back, "I didn't think you would. You ok?" She laid back down, burying herself into the covers, "Just wrapping myself in you. I miss you, Cookie. I wish you were here holding me." I started to get sentimental, "Kate, so do I. I can't sleep without you. The days are hard, but the nights are harder. Are you really ok? I'm so worried about you." She yawned, "I'm fine, Cookie. Just staying very tired. It's good to hear from you. Sorry I didn't call earlier. After my shift I met with Mari and we talked over coffee." I broke out in chill bumps. My Kitty Kate and Mari. She continued, "And I came home and crashed. Do you forgive me?" I yawned myself, "Always, my love. Stay with me until I fall asleep. Good night, Kitty Kate." She kissed me, "Night, my sweet Cookie. Love you." I hugged the phone, "Love you more." My eyes drifted closed and I was out cold. Just hearing Kate's voice was the remedy I needed to go to sleep.

Kate spoke softly, "Cookie." All she could hear was deep breathing, and she knew he was sound asleep. But now she was wide awake. Tears stung in her eyes. She rolled over onto her back, and opened up her photos on her phone. Time away from Gyu was really heartbreaking on her. She wanted to tell him about the nausea, but she assumed it was nothing and just nerves. Until yesterday morning. It's was full blown. She didn't have the time to be sick. Junseo even saw it. Recognizing the signs that she didn't feel well. Sick or not, Kate always carried on. As she laid there staring a picture of Gyu, her mind started to wander, how did Mari get his number? Had she always had it? I guess, technically, yes since they were involved in a divorce case that involved a child. But why would she have called him? Did she tell him about their plan? She knew Gyu didn't want her getting involved with seeking help for Soobin, but she simply felt the need to. He thought it was crazy even when she mentioned it. He wanted her to cut all ties and move forward. If she continued down this path, he'd be apt to locate her. He'd know she was in Korea and not California. She feared Soobin was going to find out either way. He's just that slick, and now that Mari is back in the picture, she may be the tell tale sign. Kate had originally planned to help Soobin secretly with Tae. She had no idea she'd be confronted by her fiancés ex. This may have just messed up everything. Why was she back, and suddenly so in love with Soobin? That's all fine and good if it means she'll be out of Gyu's life. She still had no idea how Soobin will feel seeing Mari again, and would he learn to love her again? Or was he ever truly in love with her to begin with? From the way he talked, he'd never been in love with anyone until Kate. He just used women for his pleasure. Something was off, and Kate wanted to get to the bottom of it. If Mari had been in Soobin's life for quite some time, how did she not know anything about the man behind his playroom? She shivered. Playroom? Ugh...that just gave her chills. It was all coming back to her now...the spanking, the handcuffs...the dirty remarks. It was way of introducing her to his darker side. She sunk lower in the bed, pulling the covers over her head. She didn't want to admit it, but it was a little exciting. Exciting? Kate quickly sat up, banging her right palm against her forehead, "Where is your head, Kate? It wasn't exciting. It was torture. It was pain." She groaned in agony, "Frightening." From out of the blue her phone chimed an incoming message. Wth?? She glanced at it. Oh no! It read, "You're thinking of me." Wtf? Attached was a picture. She dreaded clicking on it. And when she did it opened to a picture of Soobin. Black lace covering his eyes. She gasped. An eerie, chilly feeling washed over her. Now she was freaking out. Her eyes searched her bedroom. It felt like he was watching her. Did he know? Was he here in Daegu?

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