chapter 27

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"nothing to be sorry for!"

jun wu frost was in the air rolled up by the sword qi, his hair was swaying, his clothes were flying, and mo feichen watched his heartbeat unnaturally leak a beat.

don't be distracted! don't be distracted!

down the river to the place of forgetting the river, condensing to the lining of the jade capital, the heavenly river and the ground heating, too yīn traceless... the mantra that lu qingmo had taught him seemed to be back in his ear again.

mo feichen sighed lightly, and the sword qi suddenly came out, lingering on the shuxin sword, instantly condensing into a collapsed situation, leng yufang was constantly retreated by bī, while mo feichen and jun wushuang took advantage of the situation. <

after all, leng yufang had been through the rivers and lakes for a long time, the sword momentum twisted and twisted, and the air dodged sideways, although it was shocked by the sword qi, dàng, but it dodged the direct impact, while the sword qi of mo feichen and jun wufeng was released.

and behind them came a loud bang, and the entire lone goose mountain seemed to collapse.

jun wushuang and mo feichen both flew in the direction of liu feiying, leng yufang covered her chest and wanted to chase after her, jun wufeng turned back and pointed the sword qi at her calf, and as she dodged, the flying dust sword was like dàng dust in the air, seemingly soft but heavy and hit her injured place again.

"well..." the face of qíng was vicious, as if she had not dreamed that she would actually have two junior dao'er.

and when mo feichen arrived, they went to see liu feiying being pushed by comoro bī to the qíng view of the cliff.


jun wushuang rushed forward, and liu feiying saw his figure, and actually gave up fighting against ke mo luo but used his sword qi to send a piece of hanging jade into his arms. ke moluo wanted to go enough, but unfortunately liu feiying's sword qi crossed her fingers, but did not stop.

"go find the immeasurable zen master—" liu feiying's voice had just fallen, and he was knocked off the cliff.

"master!" jun wushuang still wanted to come forward, mo feichen buckled his wrist and turned around and ran, while ke moluo had already chased after him.

jun wushuang tried to break free of mo feichen, but he slapped him hard.

"you want to die! all right! mmo feichen directly dragged him behind him, ke moluo twisted the five facial features sword qi and rushed forward, jun wushuang screamed and threw out the bundled heart sword, the sword qi boiled out, the sand and stones on the ground rolled, mo feichen also froze, such a skill was almost the same as the two people just sentenced.

comoro's sword qi was broken, and he was withdrawn by bī's consecutive withdrawals.

jun wushuang lifted mo feichen's collar and ran.

"you... you were so powerful just now..." mo feichen was stunned, remembering the time when he ran away with liu feiying on his back and jun wufeng broke off, this guy also seemed to eat jī blood.

the other party clutched the jade thrown by liu feiying with one hand, and the other hand was still carrying mo feichen's collar, and his face was cold.

"we... now what? mo feichen said slowly.

the other party still ignored him, the two seemed to go all the way down the mountain road, mo feichen guessed that he was going to find liu feiying... to be born is to see people dead to see corpses.

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