chapter 31

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"if you die, my internal strength for half a year will not be làng fees?" lu qingmo's hand supported his shoulder, "fei chen, you must hold on, we still need two days to reach kunyun mountain." 

"hmm." mo feichen had no strength, his body couldn't even move, but he felt lu qingmo's fingers clasped on his wrist, constantly sending internal force in, "my sword seed can't hold true qi, you do this for me... cross the gas, in the long run, you yourself will run out of oil. 

"it's not what you say, 'tomorrow's sorrows come tomorrow'." lu qingmo laughed lightly, as if the ink fell into the clear water, dàng rippled up, "and when i worshiped that day, didn't i already say that i wanted to cover you with this big brother?"

mo feichen closed his eyes. wwhen he went down the mountain this time, he could not take yu ban back, nor did he abide by his agreement with he yunfeng to hide his sharp edge, and he accidentally fell into the yīn plot of the mirror water sect, and the only real and pleasant day was actually sitting on the flat boat with lu qingmo drinking and admiring the moon.

"brother lu is how... know i'm going to have an accident at dingzenji temple? i'm afraid it's all ...

"i passed by qiucheng that day, and someone sent me a letter, which told me that jun wushuang was the young sect leader of the mirror water sect." i thought to myself that you and jun wushuang were too good, and i was worried that you would suffer losses, so i asked around where you went. this

loss has long been eaten, and it has been eaten more than once.

"can you show me that letter?"

"yes." lu qingmo took the letter out of his arms and unfolded it in front of mo feichen, and sure enough, it was yu ban's handwriting.

"brother lu, can i ask you one thing?"


"my brother yu ban, that is, the left protector of the mirror water sect... he was leng yufang's younger brother, and i wanted to persuade him to leave the mirror water sect..."

"but he couldn't let go of his sister."

"yes, i'm afraid he'll one day... if i can ask brother lu to save his life for me.

"how do you say it's like a suicide note on behalf of jiāo?" lu qingmo bent his lip line, but mo feichen could see the helplessness inside.

the carriage came to a halt in front of a mountain after a day of travel.

"flying dust, i thought for a moment, we might as well abandon the carriage and go down the mountain road." in this way, you can reach kunyun mountain half a day earlier, you can rest assured, for the brother will never let you suffer, how? <

mo feichen smiled, "i made brother lu suffer, and brother lu ever made brother lu suffer?"

lu qingmo guan'er folded a chuáng small thin quilt, tied it to his chest, plus gān grain and water hanging around his waist, and then carried mo feichen on his back, turned around and jumped into the mountain forest with light effort.

the two bamboo tablets that mo feichen hung on his waist fell.

"what fell off?"

"nothing, brother lu continues to go!"

lu qingmo's light skills, even without jīng's wonderful footwork, were much higher than mo feichen's. the angle of each borrowing force and the lightness of the landing made mo feichen not suffer from half a bump. even on the way, he also crossed true qi into mo feichen's wrist from time to time.

lu qingmo's forehead was already sweating thinly, and in just over two hours, he had already crossed two mountains with flying dust.

"brother lu, i'm tired, shall we rest for a while?"

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