chapter 49

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"i won't say more gossip." wen qianliu casually pulled open a chair and sat down, "i heard that your sect has also sent people to find out the whereabouts of the blood worship sect, since your excellency is also interested in dealing with the blood worship sect, why don't you also join our alliance?"

jun wushuang suddenly lowered his head and shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "lord wen zhuang, aren't you kidding me?" i don't have a penchant for using my life to make other people famous.

wen qianliu was not annoyed by the other party's reaction, and there was unusual patience in his voice, "you also know that the blood worship sect has been coveting the central plains for a long time, if our other sects succumb to the blood worship sect, how long can you mirror water sect persist?"

 "then... destroying this underground palace, there is no mirror water cult in the world, it is as simple as that. jun wushuang looked at wen qianliu calmly, he knew that the other party wanted to take this opportunity to put the mirror water sect under the control of muyun mountain villa, and he jun wushuang sent people to the western regions, the real purpose was not to worship the blood sect but to figure out what wen qianliu wanted to do.

if the mirror water sect is really gone, it may not be a good thing.

the ming dynasty spread flat boats... unfortunately, mo feichen was afraid that he would not want to go with him. <

"then let the mirror water sect disappear now." there are no waves in the temperature undercurrent table qíng.

jun wushuang cried out in his heart, "not good!

a sword qi burst out, like a sharp blade that cut through the intrusion of clouds and mist, and the speed was jaw-dropping.

jun wushuang had just come out of the sword, and wen's undercurrent sword qi had already reached his chest, and he could only block this sword qi, and he barely dodged it sideways. with a thud, the wall behind him shattered.

jun wushuang was stunned, for such a long time leng yufang and the disciples in the sect had not even arrived.

"what did you do?"

"it's nothing, i just put a little smoke in your dungeon and let your deputy sect leader and protector rest well." because to chat with the lord, i specifically want you to wake up. it's just that tomorrow you're still awake, i don't know. after saying

that, he was going to produce his sword again.

jun wushuang laughed, "well, just ruined this underground palace, let's both bury here together, and there is a companion on the huáng spring road."

wen qianliu snorted softly, "to accompany, but also to let mo shaoxia be with you, how can i bother." after saying

that, he slapped a palm with an implied internal force to attack jun wushuang, and the two of them fought with a close palm technique. wen qianliu had obtained the sword type of the qianyun sword, and the internal strength was thick, although it was not yet fully controlled, but jun wushuang had already struggled to deal with it, if it were not for the secret code left by wen xin who had been cultivating for the past three years, he would have been defeated.

the ground under wen qianliu's feet bore his internal force, shattering and disintegrating, revealing the secret passage to the mountain behind the mirror valley.

jun wushuang was horrified, and wen qianliu gathered his breath, and one of them turned over and jumped down. <

the two continued to compete for internal forces along the tunnel. wen undercurrent injected internal force into the wall to cause it to collapse, while jun wushuang used internal force to knock away the falling stones, and finally they came to the valley before the entire secret passage was destroyed.

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