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Author Pov
Mature content ahead (I cut the part as can't take risk anymore. You can find mature content on Booknet or Inkitt.)

He took a sharp breath before pulling out of her. He opened his tie which he used to tie her hands. Ella's body fell on the bed shaking uncontrollably. She wasn't able to come down from her high as her body kept on shivering. She pulled the material out of her mouth still shivering badly.

He was hard. Extremely hard on her. Her shivering body started relaxing finally as she was still taking long deep breaths to calm herself.

While Cyrus threw the dirty condom away and went into the bathroom without sparing a glance at her. She finally came down from her high and looked around the room finding no one and it did well in breaking her heart.

What she expected. Did she expect him to help her to relax? Did she think he will hold her and cuddle her? How can he now when he never did it before?

She took a deep breath, taking the clothes and wearing them walking out of the room as she knew her place. Cyrus had instructed her already to never show him her face after the intercourse.

He never likes to sleep with anyone. It's not like she was the first one who had been thrown out after being used by him but she indeed was the first woman to be with him for this long.

And Cyrus kind of also thinks he doesn't need more sluts when he has one who is ready to tolerate his every torture and humiliation with her consent so why not.

Ella knew that's what she is to Cyrus. A whore. Bed warmer. A mere toy of pleasure for him. But she was still not ready to back away. She still wanted him and wasn't ready to give up and understand her worth.

Cyrus walked out of the bathroom and grimaced watching the bed. He called Creed and asked him to get a maid and asked her to change the sheets and also the blanket.

Cyrus doesn't usually fuck her in his room. He always does it in hers. But today he was out of his mind and wanted something. He just wanted something to went his anger out on.

He entered his room and saw Ella there. She told him she wanted more money but he didn't care. He grabbed her and had his way with her on his bed. Which now he regrets he doesn't like to dirty his sheets but well anger took the best control of him.

He asked Creed to pay Ella how she wants after all she's a good fuck and he can't deny she's a good toy to play with as well. She doesn't complain about anything and that's what he wants.

A mute obedient toy who can let him do the fuck he wants. And she was exactly what he wanted in his personal whore.


Hazel sighed staring at the packed suitcase of hers. It's been two days since she had signed the marriage contract and she knew there was no way for her to run away from it anymore.

She's a married woman. Sounds so foreign to her. A few days ago she was rolling her eyes at her grandmother's tantrums and today she was ready to leave this place. This house. And her previous identity.

She rolled her eyes once again when her grandmother entered her room along with her aunt who sighed sadly.

"Good you have packed. This is your ticket. You're going to the city and here you can rent this place. It's cheap but the job you have to find on your own. Remember to never mention your last name to anyone." She said making Hazel sigh out.

"I don't understand why I have to hide in the city. Why can't I live in my village?" Her grandmother glared at her before slamming the package on the packed suitcase and crossing her arms.

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