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Cyrus loosened his tie walking towards the car with fast and furious steps. His face was void of any emotion blankly approaching the car. The driver was about to run to the driving seat but Cyrus held his hand up.

"I will drive!" He informed the driver making him oblige him right away.

Cyrus jumped inside the car throwing his tie on the passenger seat. Hazel got startled sitting in the back of the car.

Hazel flinched scooting to the corner even more. He spread his legs wide open freeing the upper buttons of his shirt from a suffocating grip. His hand was bandaged and after getting his hand treated he excused himself leaving Ella behind but not before giving Creed a responsibility to take her back.

"Come to front!" She flinched at his cold voice and with a trembling body, she opened the door before sitting on the passenger seat.

Cyrus didn't waste a second and started the car driving it at an inhumane speed. His dark gaze was fixed on the road while Hazel's eyes didn't stop shedding tears. Her body was slightly trembling as well. She wasn't able to forget the things he said to her.

What's her fault? Why does he always punish her for the things she doesn't even do? She wiped her cheeks but more tears sprung out her eyes.

"Stop trembling like a damn leaf or I will give you a reason to tremble more!" His cruel voice entered her ears making her bit her lower lip.

She was trying her best to control her shivering body but even after her every try she wasn't able to do so. Cyrus sighed heavily clutching the steering wheel tightly. His hands turned white at his tight grip.

Cyrus drove the car crazily stopping it with a rough jerk. Her body went forward almost smashing her forehead on the car's dashboard. Luckily she placed her hands on it to save herself.

Cyrus roughly opened the door jumping off the car. Hazel also opened the door with trembling hands hoping out of the car. She stepped back in terror watching his buff body towering over her.

Her eyes roamed all over the place finding herself in unfamiliar surroundings. She was busy watching the place when her world turned upside down. She gasped out feeling her stomach colliding with his steel-like shoulder.

She clutched his shirt in fright fearing falling. His fast and angry steps added in her fear. She knew they weren't in the mansion he had brought her somewhere else. The house was smaller than his previous one but it was still big enough.

He didn't stop and started climbing the stairs effortlessly holding her body over his shoulder. She sobbed out as more tears fell over her cheeks. She felt utterly unfair. She didn't even do anything this time.

She flinched still being over his shoulder as he slammed the door open walking inside a dark room. Without switching the lights on or opening the curtains he threw her fragile body on the bed.

She didn't waste a second in straightening up and sitting on the bed. She scooted back till her back was against the headboard. He closed the door locking it before turning to her with his dark gaze.

Even though it was hard to see him in the dark but his heated gaze fixed on her was enough to frighten her to her core. She was wearing simple sandals which got opened on their falling on the floor.

She pulled her legs to her chest scooting against the headboard as much as she could. She just wanted the bed to swallow her up.

Cyrus removed his coat throwing it across the room before unbuttoning his shirt while making his way towards her. Hazel whimpered when he took a seat on the edge of the bed switching the side lamp on.

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