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Author Pov

Be ready by 8 pm.

That's what the note said. Last night Cyrus didn't sleep with her instead he spent his whole night in his office. Even at the dining table, they exchanged no words. He ate his dinner and left for his office.

Hazel was in a dilemma if to wait for him or not. But in the end, she fell asleep. And when she woke up she noticed his side on the bed still being clean and empty. There were no wrinkles on the bed sheets and it was obvious he didn't come back.

When she was about to go to the bathroom to freshen up she found this note on the dressing table. Just a minute after reading the note she heard a knock on the door making her look at it.

"Hazel it's me." Ana's voice entered her ears making her sigh out in relief. She responded with a positive answer making Ana to enter the room.

Hazel's eyes widened slightly watching two men entering the room and placing so many things on the bed. They didn't even spare a single glance at Hazel and went out after dropping the things on the bed.

"Master told me to inform you that you have to wear these." Hazel stared at Ana for a second before she diverted toward the things laid on the bed.

Sighing heavily she placed the note on the table and took a seat on the sofa beside it. Analise noticed her uncertain look and walked toward Hazel.

"What happened?" Hazel looked up at Ana.

"He's going to introduce me as his wife right?" Ana averted her eyes nodding her head.

"Today or tomorrow you have to be introduced as his wife. Isn't it better if it happens faster? " Hazel sighed once again leaning her back against the sofa.

"I just wanted to get away from him. From his dangerous world. I just wanted to leave him but now it seems impossible." Ana bit her lower lip having no words anymore.

Silence engulfed the room and both women stayed staring at nothing busy in their thoughts. Even though they both were thinking of different people but their concerns were similar. Analise even though hasn't been living harder than Hazel but having a cold and ruthless man as her husband isn't easy as well.

Soon her trance broke when she blinked and looked at Hazel who was still not ready to let her distress become limited.

"Freshen up and come down for breakfast." With that, she left the room making Hazel look at the dress laying on the bed.

It was covered with a plastic bag but the light shimmering peeking through the glass cover instantly made her realize how expensive the dress must be. Taking a deep breath she went to the bathroom and started doing her business.

Just like that, the day passed away in a blink. Hazel grabbed the bag and pulled the dress out of it. She wouldn't deny it. The dress was extremely beautiful and expensive. It reached below her ankles making her wonder why would he want her to wear something like this. Maybe the event they are going to attend must be royal.

She wore the dress and to her surprise today he didn't send anyone to do her makeup. She clasped beautiful earrings around her ear before leaving her hair down. She did a light nude make-up even though she has no heart to do so but she knew the place must be important that's why he asked her to wear such an expensive dress.

Her eyes flickered in surprise when she saw flat sandals in the last box. This time he didn't give her heels as well. She remembered how last he wanted her to wear heels but she hates them. Shaking her head she tried to tell herself it must be one of his tactics to manipulate her.

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