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Ella’s body froze on spot. Her hands started trembling badly while her eyes widened in dread. How can it be possible? Cyrus never came back in daylight. He always goes in the early morning and comes back during dinner time. Then how?

Her shivering body didn’t go unnoticed by Hazel who also gulped seeing Cyrus standing there. His face was blank, eyes emotionless, and his posture was calm.

Of course, calm before storm.

Ella didn’t turn around she was too horrified and shocked to her core to do anything. Cyrus’s eyes for a second went to Hazel and a small smirk appeared on his lips.

And she knew that smirk well. That was the same evil smirk he gives her each time he plans something terrible. But today it wasn’t for her it was for someone else.

She clutched the hems of her dress watching him taking slow yet long strides towards them. He stopped right behind the trembling girl staring down at her.

“Turn around.” His tone was calm but the demand in it didn’t go unnoticed by Hazel and Ella.

Ella slowly turned around keeping her eyes down. She was dreading the possibilities and extent of his punishments. His punishments were never pleasant.

“Look up, woman!” She snapped her eyes to him right away hearing his growl.

His calm facade started dropping down as his hand shot up curling it around her dainty neck. Hazel gasped out palming her lips witnessing him jerking Ella’s body forward like it weighs nothing.

“Didn’t I tell you to not come here till I ask you too!?” Ella clawed at his wrist but no use. He swept her body off the floor handily squeezing her throat cutting her airways.

“M-M-Master I-” She tried to apologize but only to gag even more at his tight grip around her.

Cyrus’s eyes suddenly fell over horrified Hazel. Her wide eyes met with his wicked ones. He chuckled darkly watching her body starting to tremble as well.

Still staring into her eyes he opened his hand dropping the coughing girl on the floor. Ella slumped down the floor coughing and breathing furiously. She knew how terrifyingly hazardous he can be when someone disobeys his orders.

She was now just praying she will be able to get out of this house alive and in one piece otherwise the look in Cyrus’s eyes has already done well in snatching her hope.

“I don’t forgive people who goes against my orders.” He said loudly making everyone flinch. He said those words staring right into Hazel’s eyes making her gulp down. It was like he was telling her instead of warning Ella.

“I-I am sorry, master. Please forgive me.” She begged looking up at him. But Cyrus had no space of mercy to give anyone.

“I don’t forgive and forget.” He said still looking at Hazel. It was almost like he was warning her something.

“Anything!” He completed with a venomous tone before darkening his eyes.

He finally looked down at the trembling girl. “Stand up!” She flinched instantly heeding on his words.

She obeyed him standing in front of him on her unsteady legs. Cyrus looked down at her with dark eyes and a clenched jaw.

“Sophia!” Sophia got startled at his sudden loud growl.

“Y-Yes Master.” She mumbled earning a motion from Cyrus to come closer.

Sophia came closer to him standing beside Ella with her head bowed down in submission. Ella gasped out when Cyrus held her arm in a tight grip and roughly turned her around to face Sophia. Both women were face to face.

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