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The news of Aaron Parker's death spread like a fire. Everyone knew why he committed suicide. His Illegal businesses were shut off while his legal companies were offered to Cyrus as they both were step brothers but Cyrus simply refused to take over his business and decided to give everything to the charity.

Both Aaron and Ella were buried after the post-mortem and it was obvious Ella was shot dead by Aaron after that, he committed suicide scared of getting caught.

Cyrus chuckled switching the TV off. Every news channel was discussing just one name Aaron Parker that's it. Aaron wasn't only a well-known business figure but he also built a school in this city that's why people really loved him for his good deeds but as people say do not judge someone when you don't know what's going on behind the scene.

That school was specifically built just for his illegal transactions. But all of his illegal transaction reports were get caught by Cyrus and he sent them to the investigation department as well. They had to seize the school for some time as precautionary measures but Cyrus jumped in and cleaned the financial mistreatment from the past years.

Cyrus heard Creed entering the office with a file in hand. Cyrus grabbed the file with a poker face before glancing at the material written on the paper. He hummed satisfied by it.

"Boss don't you think you should think about it again," Creed advised Cyrus but the man only shook his head.

"I have thought enough. Now get out." Creed sighed nodding his head.

Cyrus gulped closing the file thinking will it work? Will she forgive him and consider giving him a chance after this? There was no denying that he couldn't let her go but maybe by doing this. By punishing himself, by hurting himself more than he had hurt her maybe just maybe she would forgive him and think of giving him a chance.

Finally taking a sharp breath he drove back to the mansion with the file beside him. Just when he reached the hallway he met with her tiny frame sitting on the dining seat and cutting vegetables. She must be preparing dinner.

Hearing footsteps Hazel snapped her eyes to the person and was left stunned for a second seeing him arrive so early today. She tried standing up after wiping her hands with a towel but Cyrus motioned her to not.

"Don't. I am just here to show you this after that I have to go." He said making her look at him in confusion. Where? Maybe he has some business trip again.

She hesitantly grabbed the file from him and opened it. There were only two paper sheets one had a long list of something while the other required a signature. She glanced at him in confusion before reading the listed paper. Just when she read the first word her eyes widened.

Locked for 6 months
Only one meal in two days
Torture every day and night

And it wasn't just torture. It includes different types of methods. Her heart burnt with horror reading all the sadistic methods written on the paper. E.g slashing, burning the skin with different tools, a full session of getting beaten up, and what not?

She slowly turned the page and there, his name was written. It was said that for six months he will stay locked up in an unknown abandoned place and will be given nonstop torture to repent the pain he provided her.

She let out a shaky breath and with her trembling hands, she placed the file beside her on the couch. She looked up at him finding him smiling softly at her like whatever she just read was nothing in front of him. Jesus Christ! What kind of a man he is? In her whole life, she never met someone like him.

So cruel, emotionless yet unpredictable. She never in her wildest dreams thought about punishing him and that be in this way. What more? She never thought that she will ever say this but she pities him. She pities him for thinking that every problem can be solved by using violence. She pities him for being raised like a monster and still even when he tries to change he still considers violence as a solution for everything.

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