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"Quit moving woman!" He said with a strict tone making her pout finally sitting still on the spot as Cyrus dried her hair.

After Cyrus's confession, he let her shower under the rain as much as she wanted while he came back and took a fresh shower. After she was done she also came back drenched in the rain. She took a warm shower and as soon as she came out of the bathroom he motioned her to sit on the bed.

Cyrus brought the dryer and started drying her hair. She did try to stop him but he was adamant saying he doesn't trust her she always sleeps with wet hair. Hazel had a weird habit of going to bed without drying her hair which sometimes results in her catching a cold.

She silently sat on the bed and let him dry her hair as a small smile appeared on her lips realizing the position they were in. They looked like a happily married couple. Alas! Wish they were in a position to call themselves a happily married couple but the reality was far from it.

They might have come to good terms with each other after Cyrus's changing nature but still was it enough for her to accept him and forget everything? No, it wasn't. It might never be. He's changing she will never deny it. She feels more comfortable in his presence now as compared to in the past. She doesn't get scared of him anymore like she used to. She accepted these facts but she also has to accept the fact that even this changing nature of Cyrus couldn't make her like him.

"Done." He said turning the dryer off. He was about to walk back to the wardrobe to place it back but Hazel grabbed his wrist halting him. She grabbed the dryer placing it on the side table.

"Sit here." She said pulling him to sit in front of her. Her act took him by surprise as he stumbled onto the bed sitting in front of her.

But in everything, his hair moved away from his forehead revealing his scar. At first, Hazel didn't give attention to it but chuckling out her eyes suddenly fell over it snatching away her small smile. Cyrus frowned watching her beautiful smile fade away.

He followed her eyes and then realization hit him. She was staring at his scar. Out of reflex, he ruffled his hair letting his bangs fall over his full forehead even a few strands of his hair fell over his eyes slightly covering them. Hazel's trance broke turning her attention to his eyes that weren't on her.

He blinked looking everywhere except her. "Yeah, do you want something?" He said trying to divert her attention but Hazel knew what he was trying to do.

She sighed scooting closer to him and gaining his attention. He looked at her finding her sad eyes already staring at him. "Hazel--" He tried to ask her to just forget it but she surprisingly placed her tiny palm over his lips hushing him.

He silently stared into her eyes as she shook her head. "Don't say anything. Just listen to me." Obeying her silently he just stared at her as she slowly removed her hand from his lips.

"Why do you still hide it? Because you think it makes you ugly." She said staring into his eyes. He tried looking away from her but she placed her palm over his beard jaw forcing him to look at her.

"Don't look away. I don't want you to run away from this anymore." She said raising her hand to his forehead but Cyrus was fast enough to hold her wrist shaking his head.

"You think it makes you ugly?" He gulped hesitantly nodding his head finally accepting his insecurity in front of her.

She smiled gently removing his hold from her wrist and shaking her head. This time he didn't stop her as she removed his hair from his scar letting it on display for her to see. Cyrus's frown exacerbated in displease when he felt her touching his scar with her fingers. He was ready to push her away once again until.

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