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Cyrus's sharp eyes snapped towards Sophia who had her head bowed down in submission and fear. Hazel and Analise were in the kitchen but they still could hear their voices. 

Cyrus stood up from his seat followed by Creed who sighed heavily at Sophia's stupidity. She knows well how much Cyrus hates when people go against his words. She has been strictly instructed by Cyrus that his food will be cooked by her only. 

"I am asking you something, Sophia." His calm voice added in her dread. He walked near her leaving a good amount of distance between them staring down at her with a dark gaze.

"SOPHIA!" Everyone flinched at his threatening roar except Creed who just stared at Sophia with a blank gaze.

"I-I S-Sir--" Sophia tried to speak but the fear in her heart didn't let her speak properly. Her body started trembling in anxiety.

"I think I was too lenient with you. I never thought you can go against my words, Sophia. You disappointed me. Creed!" Creed instantly looked at Cyrus.

"Yes, boss." Sophia gulped down while Cyrus didn't move his eyes away from her.

"Take her to the basement and make sure to give her proper treatment for disobeying me." Sophia gasped out in horror taking a step back.

"M-Master." Cyrus turned away from her and Creed took only two steps closer to her when they heard a familiar voice.

"I made the food. Please it's not her fault." Cyrus turned his sharp eyes to her making her gulp down seeing how displeased he looked.

"And who asked you to cook?" His deep voice echoed in the house. 

"N-No one. She asked me to not cook but I insisted. It's not her fault." Cyrus didn't say anything afterward only stared at her.

He could see how scared she looked. She obviously was dreading the thought of him knowing that she has disobeyed him. Again. He took a deep breath before opening his lips.

"Out!" And within a second everyone left Hazel and Cyrus alone.

Hazel clutched the sides of her dress watching him approaching her. Her head bowed down on its own in fear. This time he didn't care to maintain a respectful space between them as he did with Sophia instead he stood in her personal space.

"Look up." His voice was surprisingly calm and steady. But she knew his calm attitude is a bell of hell coming forward.

She hesitantly looked up letting her emerald orbs meet his hawk eyes. His face was blank, his jaw was clenched in anger. He seems to control his anger.

"Why?" Hazel knew what he was asking so she opened her mouth and explained herself.

"I-I am not used to sitting idle. So I asked Sophia to let me cook. She tried to stop me but I forced her. It's not her fault. Please if you want to punish someone. Then punish me not her. She's innocent." She said everything in one go while looking at him with a pleading gaze.

He internally chuckled at her words. If Sophia is innocent then what is this girl? Because the way she requested him to spare Sophia was innocent for him. The way she was ready to get hurt for someone else was innocent for him.

"Why? Don't you like the treatment I am giving you? You can have whatever you want. Sit, eat, order, do whatever you want. Then why are you persistent on working." He whispered taking a step closer to her.

Hazel got startled at how close he came to her and took a step back. But Cyrus didn't stop. He kept on stepping forward while she stepped backward in fear.

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