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Phase 2



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Author Pov

"Welcome back. Wife."

Hazel stumbled back in shock. Her eyes widened even more if it was possible. She shook her head watching the man she thought she would never see standing in front of her wearing his usual smirk.

Soon her mind started functioning the words he used to address her. Wife! Why is he calling her wif---- Realization hit her like a truck when she again looked up at him with now a blurry gaze.

"N-No way." She mumbled taking another step back and shaking her head in disbelief.

Cyrus sighed staring at her with blank eyes even though there was a storm bursting inside him. For the past month, it was hell for him to wait for her. Without her, he felt every second harder to survive.

His nights felt longer than usual, his days were empty and full of loneliness. All he wanted was to run back to her and drag her back with him but he didn't. He wanted her to walk back to him by herself.

And today she did. Watching her beautiful face before his eyes he couldn't hold back the euphoric sighs that erupted in his throat. He missed her. So damn much!

Not able to control himself in a swift movement he took one long stride towards her wrapping his tattooed arm around her waist. He pulled her tightly in his arms hugging her to his heart's content.

He knew he had crushed all her hopes of getting free from him the second he appeared in front of her. But it was supposed to happen. She has to come to him whether she wants to or not but she's his. Solely and completely.

Hazel broke down in heavy tears being engulfed in a tight hug. She placed her trembling hands over his chest trying to push him but he didn't let her go. He tightened his grip over her burying his face in her crook.

He groaned in satisfaction when a familiar addictive scent of hers hugged his nostrils and finally she was here. Yes, she was here with him, near him.

"I missed you so fucking much!" He growled in her ear making her flinch in response.

"No, this can't be happening!" She mumbled in her broken voice. Her struggling increased as she tried to push him off her.

"Yes, it's Happening Sweetheart. You're my wife Hazel." She cried out at his whisper shaking her head.

Her tiny fists started punching his chest to get him off her but he didn't. Instead, her hard punches felt like soft taps over his chest. He pulled her deeper in his embrace holding her body securely in his arms.

"No. No. No! This can't be true." She cried out continuing assaulting his chest.

"This is the fucking truth, Hazel! I am your husband." He growled in her ear becoming angry at her continuous denial of accepting the truth.

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