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Author Pov

Cyrus puffed out a good amount of smoke out of his mouth staring at the clear garden with darkness surrounding it. The stars were glowing, moonlight falling over his figure letting him at least have a sight of his surroundings.

The night was long not only for him but also for the woman laying on his bed under the blanket. The moment he finally stopped having a little mercy on her he left her body going inside the bathroom.

Getting freshen up he asked her to shower as well even though it was midnight. Standing shirtless on the balcony of his room he lightened up his cigarette letting it soothe the burning desire growing inside him.

Tonight what he felt at the mere sight of someone else looking at her, he understood one thing. She has become something to him he can't let go of. The poisonous yet vicious feeling her presence has sprung up in him is not good but still, his heart wasn't ready to let it go.

He threw the cigarette on the floor crushing it under his foot. He sighed placing his palms on the railing of the balcony staring at the sky with blank eyes. Many emotions, troubles, and thoughts were stirring in his body.

He squinted his eyes shaking his head. He couldn't stop himself from thinking about the time he kept on saying that she was his. Something in him kept on pushing him to claim her as his. To make her say that she belongs to him again and again.

But why? He never cared about Ella this way then why does he behave so differently in Hazel's matter. The way his demons didn't want other men to even look at her, talking to her is a far thing, it was something new for him.

He wasn't familiar with all of these new kinds of emotions he felt the moment that man tried to approach Hazel. What's wrong with him? He's obsessed yes he is. But is it just a simple obsession or something more vicious than that?

Shaking his head he pulled his half-naked body away from the railing walking back into the room. His eyebrows knitted together finding her nowhere. He knocked at the door but hearing no response he opened it only to find it empty.

Soon his eyes hardened when realization started seeping in him. Without thinking about anything else he took long and fast strides towards the room which was beside his.

Slamming the door open he startled the poor girl making her snap her head towards the glaring monster. He gritted his teeth finding her sitting on the bed. Her hairs were wet and she was wearing the nightdress he gave her.

"Who told you to leave the room?" He asked with a heavy tone taking slow dangerous steps towards her making her pull her legs against her chest.


"Yes, you what?" She flinched at his dark tone. Her hands started shivering watching him covering the distance between them.

"I-I wanted to s-sleep." She stuttered out making him raise his eyebrows stopping right in front of her towering over her with his exposed tattooed chest making her want to submerge in the bed. His tattooed body always scares her.

"It still doesn't answer my question. Who told you to leave the room?" He repeated making her gulp down shaking her head.

"N-No one." He licked his lips shaking his head.

"Why the fuck do you always have to disobey me?" He spat making her flinch back a little.

The next second she squealed out feeling her body in the air. He effortlessly picked her up cradling her tiny frame in his buff arms. Her arms on their own got wrapped around his neck for support.

He looked down at her letting his dark greyish eyes meet her emerald ones. He sighed out walking out of the room.

"I can't even be mad at you for long!" He mumbled to himself but Hazel heard him.

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