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Cyrus laid half-naked on the bed with closed eyes letting the doctor do his work. Hazel was also standing near the door watching the doctor and nurse bandaging his injuries. She sighed leaning her back against the wall beside the door with a tired face.

After his crazy stunt, she helped him towards the room and to her luck, Creed came at the same time with the doctor. She was surprised to see how much Creed knows about Cyrus. He already had an idea of Cyrus's madness and he knew that the fucked up man will surely hurt himself.

He left the rest of the matter to Hazel telling her that he will wait for the doctor outside. She helped him in removing his bloody shirt and showed and laid him on the bed. All the time Cyrus just stared at her with a weird emotion she wasn't familiar with.

After the doctor started dressing his bleeding cuts he simply closed his eyes and let him do his work. Hazel felt something different about him tonight. He wasn't being stubborn, narcissistic, or emotionlessly scary instead he looked sad.

Sad, depressed, and confused. After apologizing to her he didn't say a word further just followed everything she asked him to. Hazel straightened her body when the doctor injected him and stood up bowing at Cyrus who still didn't open his eyes.

The doctor turned to Hazel and bowed his head slightly. "Mrs. Sylvester I have given him a sedative it will help with the pain. Here is the prescription give him these medicines on time. And also after two days, you need to change his dressing. And you have to do it for a week." Hazel nodded her head and both doctor and nurse left the room.

Hazel looked at the prescription before moving her eyes toward the man who was laying on the bed. His eyes were still closed and it looked like he was sleeping. She slowly walked near him and grabbed the blanket gently pulling it over his half-naked body.

She spared him a last glance before switching off the lamp and walking out of the room. Just when she closed the door he slowly opened his eyes staring at the dark space blankly.

A small sad smile appeared over his lips gently caressing the blanket she pulled over him. How can someone be this kind? This man did so much to her yet she wasn't laughing at him. She should laugh, be happy and satisfied after seeing how messed up of a man he is.

He was used to such traits. He was used to seeing people laughing at his battered figure. He was used to getting more hurt after his punishment. Kindness, care, and sympathy were never a part of his life. He never tasted such emotions before.

Till now. The way she tried to stop him from hurting himself in the name of punishment made his thoughts about her stronger that yes he really doesn't deserve such an angel after all the things he has done to her.

When she said Forgiveness can be earned by a simple sorry he instantly wanted to say sorry to her for everything he had done to her but was a simple sorry enough. What a joke! How can she let go of the things he did to her just after hearing a petty sorry.

He took a deep breath before closing his eyes. He knew one thing the girl was too pure to be with a monster like him. But he just couldn't get himself to let her be in her world away from his. He was forced. Forced by his selfish heart. His heart wants her to be near him all the time.

On the other hand, Hazel let herself sit at the dining table. She drank the glass of water and leaned her back on the chair staring at the table with blank eyes. She was tired. Extremely tired of this life.

His multiple personalities were messing with her mind now. The same monster who locked her, forced her into submission, and even abused her verbally now has been behaving so vulnerable, clueless, and crazy.

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