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Cyrus stared at the beautiful bracelet in his hand as he played with it. There was nothing special about that bracelet. No diamonds, gold, or any special material over it. It was too simple yet he felt like buying it.

It was so simple. But the beauty of this bracelet couldn't be compared to any of the diamonds he ever bought. Well, the question is. Did he ever buy anything for a woman before? No, he didn't.

Especially not something so simple and cheap. He was coming to his company when suddenly his sparkling eyes fell over this bracelet which a small boy was selling on the road. He bought it right away. This bracelet weirdly reminded him of her. Its simplicity yet attraction reminded him of her.

Sighing heavily he placed it inside the box and leaned his head back on the chair closing his eyes. What was happening to him? He has no idea. His mind was messed up. After the day he understood that he can't let her go he simply decided to force her to marry him again when the marriage contract will be disposed of.

But now the mere thought of forcing her again just doesn't fit well with him. Even when he tries to touch her nowadays he feels dejected and uncomfortable. Whenever she flinches away from him. Whenever her eyes tell him how unwilling she is he just couldn't get himself to go any further.

Something is wrong with him and he has no idea of what. Cyrus used to never care about anyone's emotions then what has happened now that it's messing up his ways of living his life? Shaking his head he looked up when he heard a knock on his door.

"Mr. Sylvester, Mr. Rodrigo, and his daughter are here." Cyrus hummed nodding his head. He wasn't in the right mindset to meet anyone right now. But this meeting was decided beforehand so now he was obliged to meet them.

"Come on Cyrus focus." Shaking his head he walked out of the office reaching the meeting room.

His eyes met with Mr. Rodrigo and then his daughter. He held his hand forward nodding at Mr. Rodrigo who smiled at him. Giving a curt nod at his daughter he took a seat. Cyrus already had an idea why this old man brought his daughter with him.

This man has been trying to engage Cyrus with her for a long time. Why? Simple he wants to enhance his business and being able to have an alliance like Cyrus Sylvester will be a blessing itself.

"So Mr. Rodrigo, what is it you wanted to talk to me about? " Cyrus doesn't meet anyone this easily. But as Mr. Rodrigo and Cyrus have a project going on he couldn't say no.

"Remember I asked you about something when we met last time. I even brought my daughter today so you could meet her." Cyrus crossed his legs comfortably sitting on the chair before darting his eyes toward the girl.

He wouldn't deny she's beautiful but he's not just interested. Keeping a poker face he noticed how nervous the girl looked. Of course who would want to get involved with an infamous psycho like him? After all the stories made on him are not that fascinating to actually try to get associated with him. The old man was too blind to see how scared his daughter looked. Or maybe too greedy to care about his daughter.

She didn't for once look up which made him remember his wife. Hazel. He always loved people looking away from him just like right now he's liking how that girl wasn't ready to look up at him in fear but why does it so different when it comes to Hazel?

Instead of liking her for not making eye contact with him, he wants her to only look in his eyes. He wants her to talk to him looking in his eyes. Or maybe he's the one who wants to look in her eyes all the time.

Sighing heavily once again he looked at the old man pulling his usual smirk over which instantly made the old man understand that he didn't like his words. Not even a bit.

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