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"Wouldn't you greet your uncle? My dearest nephew." The man said holding a small smirk over his lips adding to Cyrus's anger.

Hazel stared at both men facing each other. They were exactly of the same height. But they had no resemblance at all maybe because he's Cyrus's uncle not his father. She jumped coming out of her stance when Cyrus's loud voice entered her ears.

"Go wait in the room." His eyes didn't move away from his uncle but she knew those words were directed at her. Gulping down she ran up to the stairs obeying his word.

The man didn't move or do anything only stared at Cyrus with emotions that could be mistaken as blank ones but the truth was Cyrus knew that look. And he hated seeing it.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Cyrus' hard voice earned a small chuckle from the old man who shook his head.

"As expected." He mumbled looking into Cyrus's eyes.

"I heard about your marriage, I thought you might have married that weird woman I met before but to my surprise, it wasn't her." Cyrus's lips curved up into a small smirk as he looked at the old geezer in front of him.

"She's the same girl grandfather wanted me to marry. I just fulfilled his last wish." His uncle shook his head chuckling out.

"I know you very well Cyrus. I know if you didn't want that girl you wouldn't have kept her till now. What's the matter? Why aren't you letting her go? " This time his tone was serious and stiff.

Cyrus's smirk fell off his lips as he glared at the man in front of him taking a step closer to the man. His uncle didn't show any emotion he wasn't fazed by any of his glare.

"Mind your fucking business and get the fuck out of here! This house is mine. She's mine. I don't want to see any of his relatives in my fucking house." His uncle's eyes flickered in disappointment.

"I am not his relative Cyrus. I am your family." Cyrus scoffed.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night David. Now get out." He started walking towards the stairs but stopped hearing his uncle's next words.

"He knows. Aaron knows about your marriage." Cyrus shut his eyes rubbing his forehead.

"Someone has betrayed you and snitched it to Aaron about that girl. He soon will do something to harm her that's why." He paused turning to Cyrus whose back was facing him.

"That's why I am advising you to let her go. It's not like she's any important to you. Free her so she wouldn't be harmed ----" Before he could continue Cyrus turned around shooting him a dangerous glare.

"I am not letting her go! She's fucking my wife. And it will remain the same!" David's eyes slightly widened in shock seeing the obvious madness dancing in Cyrus's eyes.

"Aaron will have to face me before he would even think of touching her. She's mine. I would rather kill or be killed for her but will never let any harm come near her!" David licked his lips trying to grasp the strength of Cyrus's words. He seemed crazy while claiming that girl.

"I already planned to arrange a ceremony to announce her as my wife. So don't try to fucking advise me I know what I am doing! Go back and don't come back here just like you always do." His last sentence ripped David's heart. His eyes instantly turned guilty as he stared at Cyrus who ascended the stairs.

David sighed rubbing his face with both palms in distress. He thought if it would be Ella he married then it wouldn't be a much of a worrisome matter after all everyone knows Cyrus never really cared about Ella but seeing his real wife left David in shock.

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