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Sitting in the corner of the darkroom Hazel jumped in her place when the door of the room got cracked open. She curled herself in the corner even more expecting that hawk-eyed scary-looking wolf with human flesh but an unfamiliar face appeared in front of her.

The man was no less muscular than that wolf but he indeed was less scary looking and his eyes were softer than that hawk-eyed beast. But she still didn't stop the anxiety her heart was feeling. After all, this man was looking at her emotionlessly like he wanna kill her.

"Here eat it." He said coldly placing the steel tray on the mattress in front of her. She didn't make any move instead just stared at the food. It was breakfast and her eyes on their own went to that hole in the room. Indeed there was slight sunlight coming from it.

"Eat it. I have a few questions to ask you." He said making her snap her head towards him. She gulped in fear before glancing at the food.

"I am not hungry. Just tell me when will you let me out." She said as her hands once again started trembling in anxiety. She clutched her hands into tight fists not wanting him to know how afraid she is.

But the man was cunning enough to sense her fear just by hearing the nervousness in her voice. He sighed heavily crouching down in front of her.

She was curled up on the mattress in the corner of the room while he crouched down to her level maintaining a good amount of distance between them as he didn't step on the mattress.

"Look girl you have only two choices. One, tell me the things my boss wants to know from you, and second keep quiet and let him believe that you lied to him about being married." Hazel blinked at him in fear.

That was what she was fearing. She knew that wolf might question her more about that married thingy and she was afraid of what she will even tell them? She herself doesn't know anything about her husband.

"So it's better to eat first then we will talk." He said making her glance at the food again.

"You should be grateful." He suddenly said when she made no move to touch the food making her look up at him. He stood up from the floor and slipped his hands in his pants pocket staring at her with cold eyes.

"He didn't kill you and even offered you food. Not just food but the one we eat. Last night you ate nothing and from your condition, it seemed like you haven't been eating much. You should be grateful that the people who were supposed to wipe you from the world are now giving you a chance to live."

This burnt her. If his boss have pride and ego then Hazel was no less. She has her pride and self-respect. She glared at him and grabbed the glass of water. She chugged the water down her throat and pushed the steel plate away.

"I am not hungry anymore. Just tell me what you want from me? You are saying like I have stolen something from you guys. I don't even know you or him. What I saw was a coincidence. I slept behind the wall and if I knew that place wasn't a safe one I wouldn't have entered that garden. I don't even know what's my fault? I already said numerous times that I will never tell anyone about what I saw still your boss isn't letting me go."

She let out in one go as her throat felt relieved and open after drinking a good amount of water. Creed stared at the girl for some time in silence before breaking it with a small chuckle. Hazel stared at him in disbelief. Why was he behaving like she has cracked some joke?

"Well to answer your question. Your fault is you have bad luck girl. You should have never entered that place and if you did you would have left right away and not slept there. Now you have seen something you weren't supposed to. No one had seen the boss's face but you did. No one knows his dark world except a few trusted people but now you know as well and unfortunately, he doesn't trust you."

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