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Listen to this song to feel the chapter. (It's in Korean the choice is yours.)

Author Pov

"Boss she's here." Cyrus looked through his glasses before nodding his head. Straightening his glasses he heard the commotion as his men dragged the old woman inside who kept on creating a ruckus.

"Who the hell are you all? Let me g---" She shut up as soon as her eyes fell over Cyrus who was sitting on the chair staring at her coldly.

She gulped watching the scary man giving her extremely cold looks. His men forced her to sit on the chair in front of Cyrus and stood beside her leaving no chance for her to try and escape the man.

Cyrus slowly removed his spectacles and placed them on the table before glaring at the woman. "What was the deal woman?" He questioned in a low tone making her gulp down.

"A week ago we made a deal right?" The old woman stayed quiet for some time but jumped in horror when Cyrus slapped the table leaning his body forward still shooting her cold looks.

"ANSWER ME!" He growled scaring his men as well who gulped watching their boss being the way he was known as. Ruthless.

"T-That I can't go near them after getting the money." Cyrus took a deep breath resting his back on the chair not moving his eyes away from the trembling woman.

"Exactly then why were you trying to find them?" He questioned in a dark tone.

"She's my granddaughter and I have full rights to meet her. Who are you? You have already divorced her then why does it matter to you who meets her or not?" His men cursed internally shaking their heads at the old woman.

One thing Cyrus Sylvester hates the most is going back on one's words. If she already made a deal with him she shouldn't had gone against it. She's digging her own grave now.

Cyrus chuckled standing up from the chair and rolling his shirt's sleeves up revealing his tattooed arms. He walked near the old woman placing his palm over the table and leaning near the old woman.

"Listen, old woman! I have divorced her yes but it doesn't mean that I will stop protecting her from the piece of shit like you." He mumbled in a dangerous tone making the woman's hands tremble badly.

"Hazel might not be with me. But I will be there for her always. She's here." He said pointing at his heart.

"This heart is beating because of her. And I swear ex-grandmother-in-law." He leaned to her face glaring at her.

"If I ever see you near them I will personally dig your grave. Never forget just because I have become soft for my love I will not do anything to you. That side of mine is only for her. I am still the same monster for shits like you." Hazel's grandmother felt a shiver down her spine hearing the obvious promise behind his words.

She gulped shaking her head. "You're being unfair! My daughter left me for the man you send that bastard Carl! I am all alone! She doesn't even look back at me." She said as her eyes started getting teary. But her condition did not affect Cyrus, he simply chuckled straightening his posture.

"Isn't that what you ever wanted? Your daughter is sending you money every month. I have given you enough money that you can even take some with you to your grave. Wasn't money the thing you always cared for? Your daughter is happy with that bastard man. At least he's better than the cheating fucker you found for her." She shut up hearing his words.

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