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Cyrus's face was dead serious as he stared out of the window with the calculative gaze. Creed stood behind him with his usual stone face even though inside he was dreading the reaction of his boss.

Cyrus is known for his smiley face and always being narcissistic but when he becomes serious you need to remember your bad luck has started. And after hearing Creed's words his face turned deadly serious.

"So you mean my grandfather wanted me to marry his friend's son's daughter." He said in his deep husky voice. The was no playfulness or threat in it.

"Yes, but if you don't want to marry her you don't have to," Creed said making Cyrus glare at the glass window.

He knew no one can force him for something he don't want to do. If right now he would want to marry even a peasant no one will dare to even a raise single objection against it.

But that's not how Cyrus's life works. He craves power. Even though having a whole country under his feet he still craves more. He wants more!

Call him greedy because that's what he is. His greed for more power and being invincible kept on increasing day by day. In this world, Cyrus loves only two things. His existence and his bloody world.

Call him psycho because that's what he is. He loves blood especially when it comes out of his enemy's body. He loves seeing life leaving his victim's body in a slow and painful way.

Cyrus if ever respected anyone in his life was his grandfather. He never met his grandmother but his parents had their own share of making a monster like Cyrus. He lives in the world of blood and power and he feels no remorse for being the monster he is.

Cyrus knew he has everything and if he simply ignores his grandfather's last wish before he died no one will dare to question him that why he did that or why didn't he feel bad for ignoring his grandfather's last will?

But the respect he had for his grandfather forced him to question Creed.

"Tell me something about her? Is she pretty?" Creed sighed internally. Really. He didn't ask for her name or what kind of person she is but the first question. Is she fucking pretty? Indeed looks matter to him more than anything.

"I haven't seen her sir but I have heard that she's a hardworking girl who had hardly completed her elementary education. And now she does jobs to handle her mother's medical expenses and ---" His words got interrupted by Cyrus who turned around rolling his eyes.

"Boring." He said walking towards his office table and taking a seat on the chair.

"You know I don't care about all these right. So in the will, it says grandfather wanted me to marry her and live with her for at least 6 months rin order to get to know her right?" Creed nodded his head in affirmation.

"Alright then I live with her for 6 months but before that tell me something I want to hear." He said intertwining his long fingers and resting his elbows on the table before leaning forward staring at Creed with his psychotic gaze.

"Yes boss, her mother has been in a coma for the past 6 years. She can be recovered if she gets good treatment which is really expensive for them. And also her grandmother doesn't like her and is really a greedy woman. She can do anything for money."

Creed completed his words bringing a satisfied smirk on the monster's face. He looked pleased with the information. It was the exact information he needed.

"Hmm seems like grandfather's will isn't that boring now." He mumbled smirking at the man who stared at him with a poker face.

"Alright, then you know what to do right? And prepare a contract marriage for a year." Creed frowned at his words. Cyrus noticed his confusion and smiled evilly at him.

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