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Hazel gulped when he put the nail over his index finger. She can easily tell how old that nail is like someone has inherited such a dangerous thing to him. He stared at his finger getting busy with his thoughts as a small smirk didn't fade away from his lips.

"Wanna hear a story?" He said finally raising his scary eyes to her scared ones. She didn't reply and Cyrus wasn't ready to let her go without scaring her more.

"There was a boy who once hated this tool more than anything but now he wants to keep it near him all the time to not forget the memories he has attached to this sharp tool. " He smiled evilly kneeling in front of her. She flinched when he held his hand up pointing the nail finger at himself.

"And that boy is me." He revealed making her gulp down. She flinched when he traced its sharp edge over the side of her face.

"Like this, the woman caressed his face. She told him something to do but he didn't. And she was too eager to punish him." He mumbled stopping the sharp edge on the side of her forehead making her hold her breathing.

"Here. She pressed the nail till it got pierced through his flesh." He mumbled caressing the nail's edge on her forehead. He didn't apply any force just told her where he once got punished for the pettiest reason ever.

"He cried and begged. But she didn't hear. And she didn't stop as well till that nail left a scar. An unremovable scar from his forehead that will remind him of that punishment whenever he will think of doing something she told him to not." Hazel finally let out a sigh when he removed his finger from her forehead and looked down.

"And you know what was the reason she punished him for?" He didn't say anything afterward letting the room fall silent for a proper minute. She slowly shook her head as she knew he was waiting for her to respond to him.

"Because he brushed his hair back revealing his forehead and she told him to always cover his forehead because it's---" He stopped not wanting to say something afterward.

Hazel stared at him with a shocked face. She couldn't believe how can someone punish anyone because of such a petty reason. Was that woman a psycho? How can she punish any boy just because he revealed his forehead?

But then something clicked in her mind. That boy was me. His words echoed in her mind making her snap her eyes to him. His hair. She never noticed that before till today. She has never seen his forehead, especially the side where the scar should be.

Cyrus noticed her realized face as well and smiled secretly before standing up. Hazel blinked coming out of her daze when he cut her view from his covered forehead. Cyrus never told anyone about his messed-up past but then he kept on unknowingly revealing his past to her?

Something snapped in his mind when he realized what he had done. He shut his eyes throwing the nail in the drawer of his table before standing in front of the window glaring.

He never shared his dark past with anyone then why did he without realizing shared it with her? Suddenly he felt a presence behind him and taking a deep breath he turned around to face her.

He was indeed angry. Angry at himself for revealing something he wanted to bury forever. But he also knew it wasn't her fault. She didn't even ask him to tell her anything then how can it be her fault.

His eyes flickered in surprise when he saw a glass of water in her hand. His eyes met her innocent ones as she motioned him to take the glass. She didn't exchange any words with him but he could see how she was trying to cool him down.

Hazel was beyond shaken after hearing about what he has gone through in past. But after he threw the nail in the drawer she examined him and how his face twisted in anger she turned extremely anxious. She didn't want him to lash out at her for no reason.

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