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She clenched her hands as she pressed her back against the wall even more. She was scared yet she knew there was no way out for her.

"You still didn't eat anything." Cyrus's voice echoed in the cold basement as he sighed heavily seeing the food still laying on the mattress untouched.

He crouched down and grabbed the steel tray before looking up at her. Hazel finally looked up at him with tired eyes. Cyrus stared at her blankly before throwing the tray to the corner of the basement making her flinch.

"So let's come to our main business. What's your answer?" Cyrus questioned still keeping a poker face.

Hazel gulped clutching her hands into tight fists to stop them from trembling. The strength she used to clench them resulted in her hands in turning white.

Cyrus just stared at her blankly with patience holding in his dark eyes. He was ready for any kind of answer but he knew one thing. He had left no way for her to say no anymore.

"I-I agree. I accept your every condition." 

This pulled a small smirk on his devilishly handsome face as he nodded his head. He already knew she will say yes after all she had no choice left anyways.

"But I have a condition too." This snatched his smirk as his eyes again harden.

"Do you think you're in any position to have conditions beautiful? " He said raising his eyebrows. Hazel knew she wasn't in any position to ask anything from him but she didn't want to lose her last hope.

"Just tell me when will you let me go. I swear I will do anything you will ask me to. I will obey you and be whatever you want. But I just want to know when will you let me go. After all of this, I just want my freedom back." Cyrus tilted his head to the side with serious eyes.

"Why? To go back to your husband." He spat lowly making her gulp. She has no idea why is he always goes into wolf mode whenever her husband comes in?

"N-No. I just want my freedom back." She mumbled staring at him with hesitation. She knew even if he refuse to set her free after using her she couldn't do anything but still, she had noticed one thing.

The man keeps his words. Till now she only had seen him successfully making her helpless so she would give in to him. And from everything he seemed like a self-obsessed man. He will surely keep his words after all he wouldn't want to come out as an imperfect man.

"Fine," Cyrus spoke breaking the tensed silence. She stared at him expecting him to continue and tell her when will he set her free but her desperate expressions made Cyrus grin internally. 

"When I will be satisfied I will set you free." And he loved the way the hope left her eyes. How much he loves giving someone hope and then breaking it mercilessly. 

"B-But when will you be satisfied?" She stuttered out in disbelief. How this answer of his can fulfill her condition? He is so despicable.

"As soon as I felt like. And don't worry I can see I will get satisfied faster than you can imagine." He replied standing up from the floor.

He was about to turn around to walk out after all this was what he wanted to hear. Now he can sleep peacefully. 

But before he could take a step ahead Hazel moved to her knees on the mattress grabbing his wrist. Her tiny hand which was chained couldn't even hold his complete giant wrist. Cyrus stopped as soon as her soft touch met his skin.

"Can you at least give me a blanket? It's cold here." She said hesitantly. She had been enduring this cold basement as she thought in a day or two she might be able to escape but now seeing no way out she knew she had to live here as long as he wants.

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