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"Marry me."

Hazel's eyes widened as her blood ran cold hearing his words. She laid under him, stared into his eyes in pure shock. She rapidly moved her pupils to see any joke or mischievousness in his eyes but nothing. He looked utterly serious.

"W-What?" She stammered in shock. Cyrus narrowed his eyes at her moving one palm over her cheek keeping his weight on his other arm.

"You heard me." He replied feeling no shame.

"Are you crazy?" She spat out on his face unknowingly placing her palms over his bare chest and pushing his body away. Cyrus didn't protest and pulled away from her.

Hazel also jumped off the bed taking a few steps away from him keeping a good distance between them. Cyrus raised his head staring at her unapologetically.

"I am already married!" She snarled staring at him in disbelief.

" So am I." Her eyes expanded even more if possible after hearing his words.

He's married! And he has been cheating on his wife!

"What!?" She asked stunned at the new discovery.

He chuckled tugging his hands in his pants pockets and staring down at her with his sinister gaze.

"Yes, I am married too. But it's not a marriage. Like a contract one. I am giving her some favors and she will remain married to me for a year and after that, we will get a divorce." He said shrugging off like it doesn't concern him even a bit.

His words reminded her of her marriage contract but right now she had gotten way too shocked to realize the truth that was right in front of her.

"Do you even know what you are saying?" She questioned in disbelief shaking her head. Cyrus didn't reply her only stared at her with not so bothered gaze.

"You have been married no matter what kind of marriage it was. But you're a married man and you had an extramarital affair. You have been cheating on your wife." Cyrus still didn't respond to her words. Neither did he react to her allegations nor utter any word.

"And I was also being forced by you to cheat on my husband as well." As usual, she expected to see anger on his face when she mentioned her husband, but this time he didn't react. Not even a bit.

He stayed standing there like a statue. But his sinister gaze finally turned blank hearing her words. She shook her head once again taking a few steps away from him.

"I don't want any of this. I never wanted to be with you. I never wanted to be a sinner by cheating on my husband. I never wanted to be a reason for you cheating on your wife. Don't you feel a bit ashamed? Don't you fear God!" Her last sentence earned a loud laugh from him.

She shut up instantly when he started laughing out like a maniac. Her hands started trembling even more watching a wide smirk playing on his lips. He seemed unbothered by her each word.

"God? I don't believe in God darling. And from where you even thought I will be ashamed to be a sinner? Huh. I am a mafia boss, I kill, I torture, I do everything which you my innocent fairy thinks is a sin. I am a sinner and I don't give a fuck about it." He replied still smirking proudly at her.

Hazel's whole body went numb seeing how shameless someone can be. He looked utterly unapologetic for betraying his wife no matter what kind of marriage but still he has married her.

"And about that wife. Don't worry I will give her whatever she wants and will divorce her. After that you, My Hazel will marry me for who I am. I mean I am giving you a great choice. Either way, you gonna stay with me. Stay with me as my whore, or as my wife. Completely your choice. He mumbled shrugging off.

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