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Author Pov

Hazel sighed staring at Cyrus's sleeping face. This stubborn man! He didn't drink the medicine as expected. He simply glared at her and jumped on the bed switching the lights off. She knew it was his indirect no to her that he wouldn't take any medicine.

She placed the medicine beside the bed on the table switching the lamp light on. The yellowish dim light fell over his face making her stare at it for some time. Slowly taking a seat on the bed beside his laying figure she let her eyes soften while watching him.

She has no idea what to feel about him. She still doesn't like him that's the fact and she can't change it after all it's not easy to feel anything for him after all the things he did to her. But now she has admitted the fact that she doesn't hate him. She actually never hated him. She just pities him.

The big bad alpha is actually a broken scared child trapped in the darkness. And he's doing nothing to get out of that darkness. He thinks that her being with him is all he needs but that's not the truth. Her presence can cure him but what if one day she disappeared how will he live then?

The moment she disappeared from his life will be the moment he will again turn back to the vicious darkness he wants to get out of. And she can't let it happen. Whether she stays with him or not she wants him to become a better man. A man who could rely on himself before giving his all to someone else.

She sighed sadly watching him frowning in his sleep. Nightmare. Again. She gently brushed her small fingers in his messed-up hair. She has to admit he has silky hair better than her. She caressed his wrinkled forehead with her thumb making him sigh in sleep.

She felt his left hand moving and she knew he was trying to find her touch. Moving her free hand she softly grabbed him and as expected he instantly intertwined their fingers and cradled her hand in his tightly.

"Cyrus." She whispered feeling him tightening his grip over hers in a hurting manner. She caressed his cheek when he lightly whimpered in his sleep.

"Cyrus, wake up it's just a dream." She leaned closer to his face watching his distressed face covered in sweat. Forgetting about the pain his grip was providing her hand she whispered.

"No one's here to hurt you, Cyrus. Wake up!" Hearing her last two words he snapped his wavered eyes making eye contact with her right away.

Their faces were only an inch away as they stayed silent while gazing at each other. Cyrus's grip loosened but he still didn't let her hand go.

"It's ok. Nothing happened it was just a dream. A bad dream that can never be a reality. It's ok." She whispered against his lips making him slightly blink.

She smiled when he slowly nodded his head. She let out a relieved sigh finding him finally out of the daze and giving her his full attention. She slowly straightened her posture sitting on the bed beside him but didn't pull her hand back.

"You want something." She asked him making him gulp down. He slowly sat up on the bed resting his back against the headboard. He was wearing an undershirt with boxers which were covered with a heavy blanket. His hair was messed up and his eyes were slightly swollen because of lack of sleep. He looked up at her finding her already staring at their joined hands.

He gently pulled her hand near his face looking at it carefully. "Did I hurt you?" Hazel smiled shaking her head.

"I am fine." She mumbled looking at him who was busy inspecting her hand.

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