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Author Pov
Mature content ahead
(I will be trimming mature part)

“I am not done with you beautiful.”

Saying that he hovered his half-naked body over her. His tattooed chest covered her upper body completely. Her misty scared eyes met with his lustful ones.

He dipped his head down and took her lips in a needy kiss. Again dread seeped in her veins. Is he again gonna kiss her till she faints? Scared out of her wits she shut her eyes tightly.

(The mature Content has been trimmed successfully;)

He took a few deep breaths before looking at the girl who was still trembling. Her legs were shivering continuously while her whole body was slightly vibrating. It was overwhelming for her.

Cyrus leaned down kissing her neck softly trying to relax her. His chest got dirty as well because of the fluid he released on her but he didn’t care. All his focus was to calm her down.

“Shh, it’s ok.” He mumbled kissing her neckline.

And again it happened. As soon Hazel calmed down a wave of guilt hit her. Her body again enjoyed his touch. Her heart drummed in regret. She knew she will never be able to go near her husband after this.

“Stay away from him.” Cyrus’s voice brought her back to reality as she looked up into his eyes. His greenish-grey eyes shot her a possessive look.

“It will be better if you stay away from him or I don’t know what I will end up doing.” She gulped pressing herself deeper into the mattress.

He suddenly left her body and stood up. He looked at her standing up in his full naked glory. Hazel instantly turned away from him. She didn’t want to add in her guilt by looking at the man who was tormenting her body every minute.

“Go back to your room. It’s downstairs beside the kitchen.” Saying that he walked towards the bathroom.

Hazel sighed sitting up with difficulty. Her vagina felt like it was on fire. She made a mental note to not anger him again. She wouldn’t be able to handle his torment again and again.

She was glad that her skirt was still on her body but sighed tiredly seeing her panties on the floor but they were ripped off. She grabbed her shirt and to her bad luck, it was also shredded.

She closed her eyes sighing heavily. Was he that much angry that instead of removing clothes he ripped them off? Her eyes fell on his shirt even though a few buttons of his shirt were ripped up as well but it was still fine enough to wear.

She wore the shirt clutching its front she walked out of the room slightly limping and hissing. He’s so cruel. After using her he didn’t even let her have a bit of rest.

She hardly walked down the stairs and reached her room. And as soon as she entered the room she threw his shirt away. The disgust filled her seeing her stomach covered with his semen.

Her body was screaming to lay down and rest but she grabbed a heavy robe and walked inside the bathroom. Peeling off her clothes she turned the shower on and let it clean her.

She slowly sat down in the running shower hugging her knees. She burst out in heavy tears. The regret of enjoying such a sinful thing was breaking her. She was becoming a sinner like him, doesn’t she? She enjoys his touch. She enjoys what he does to her. Is she becoming like him? A sinner.

No! She can’t. She needs to find an escape. She knew it will be hard to do so. But the way he behaved yesterday. His possessiveness, obsessive psycho behavior left her scared.

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