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Author Pov

“So Ella how are you?” Cyrus asked her keeping his eyes stuck on the vast window back facing her. Ella was sitting on the chair in front of his office table while he was standing in front of the window.

There were a lot of things Ella wanted to complain to him. She wanted to know what that girl has that he had almost killed her. But Ella knew well. The choking and humiliation he gave her wasn’t because of Hazel it was because of the disobedience she showed to him.

He hates whenever someone disobeys him and goes against his words. She should have known better than to try to become something she’s not. She always thought Cyrus knew about her dominance over his workers that’s why he never stopped her.

But he didn’t. He never paid any attention to her enough to get to know what she does. The thought alone makes her more pathetic than she already is. She stared at his broad back examining him.

He was dressed up in a tight black shirt predominating his muscles. His legs were covered with black dressed pants. He looked smoking hot yet she knew it wasn’t the time to think sexually.

“I am fine, master.” She mumbled staring at him. Cyrus hummed narrowing his eyes at the window.

“I want you to do something for me, Ella.” He announced making her almost smile. He wants her. Again.

“Just order master I will do anything.” She said happily while hungrily staring at his back. How much she missed being ravaged by him only she knows.

“I want you to come with me to a party tomorrow night. But you have to do something for me.” He started elaborating a plan to her making Ella frown.

“But master. Why do I have to do that? Why are you trying to protect her?” Ella asked feeling a pang of fear and jealousy in her heart.

His words seem like he wants to protect Hazel. Ella feared the possibility of Hazel snatching her place in Cyrus’s life. After all the moment she met Hazel she knew that girl had something different in her.

Her innocence was all over her face. Even though her eyes looked kind of sad. It was easy to read that girl. The girl had a unique charm, not much beautiful but that look on her face was something attractive.

And Ella feared what if Cyrus got addicted to that innocence? Ella already knew Cyrus have his way with that girl but then why that innocence in her eyes didn’t fade away? There was no greed or sign of pride in her eyes after having the most dangerous mafia boss yet the notorious billionaire Cyrus Sylvester.

There was only sadness and innocence in her eyes which disturbed Ella. What if Cyrus didn’t want to let her go? What if Hazel become what Ella wanted to be for years? The what-ifs kept on messing her mind till she heard Cyrus’s voice.

“Because I will let her go soon.” Ella’s eyes snapped to him meeting his back. Cyrus’s voice was cold as ice just the way he was gazing at the running road.

“What?” Ella mumbled to herself as a small smile started embracing her face. Cyrus heard her.

“I can’t tell you everything but I and Hazel have an agreement. Soon I will have to let her go. Till then she needs to be protected by who? You already know.” Cyrus never wanted Ella to know about his rivals but that one yet a powerful enemy of his keeps on poking his nose in his matter.

And the day she got kidnapped she knew who Cyrus’s strongest enemy was. Cyrus even gave her an option to leave him and stay out of his world but she almost begged him to keep her. Cyrus wasn’t a fan of having every day a new woman so he decided to keep Ella till she will last.

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