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Cyrus stood in front of the mirror stared at his reflection as he brushed his hair to get ready for the office. Just when he was about to cover his forehead like he always does he paused. His eyes fell over the scar that was gracing his forehead. All the terrible memories related to that scar started running through his head making him glare at his reflection. But then.

To me, this scar makes you more beautiful.

Her soft soothing voice entered his ears making his gaze soften as well remembering that beautiful moment he spent with her. He touched his scar and this time without feeling a single ounce of hatred towards it.

He closed his eyes feeling her lips softly kissing his scar like it doesn't disgust her. That was the first time when someone didn't talk about his perfection but instead embraced his imperfections. That was the first time when someone truthfully made him realize that he's a human and that having such imperfections is a part of his life.

She made him feel like a human.

Slowly opening his eyes he stared at the scar before grabbing a small amount of hair gel and styling his hair in a way that his full forehead was on display. Even his scar could be seen perfectly.

Cyrus in his childhood used to love to style his hair this way. His forehead was always small that's why he liked revealing it but that terrible night made him highly insecure about his forehead.

He took a deep breath before giving his reflection a last glance. He walked out of his room finding Analise talking to Creed. There was a small smile playing over his once dead-hearted man's face. Cyrus wouldn't lie sometimes he gets jealous of Creed as well.

But can he blame anyone for not being able to keep the girl he wants with him? No. He's the one whose to be blamed. He was solely responsible for everything.

He never knew Creed liked Ana till he decided to oppose Cyrus and stand up for Ana that day Cyrus understood that Creed sincerely wants Analise so he simply decided to leave the girl under Creed's protection.

Analise was always been a shy and reserved girl. Cyrus appreciated her minding her business and only doing the work given to her. Sometimes Cyrus questions himself that when there are so many similarities between Ana and Hazel then why does his heart only wants Hazel?

He has no answer to his own question, he just knows that he wants her. Hazel is just what he ever wanted. She's the only one he ever craved to have in his life. He just loves her and he has no explanation of why her. He just loves her, that's it.

Creed straightened his posture after seeing Cyrus. Ana also turned around bowing her head slightly. But soon Creed froze for a second seeing Cyrus not hiding his scar anymore.

The side of his lips curved up slightly as he tried hard to not smile seeing the obvious change in his boss's posture.

"If you're done let's go." He ordered making Creed nod his head. Cyrus rolled his eyes in annoyance when Creed kissed Ana's forehead.

He felt an invisible stab over his chest after seeing them being so lovey-dovey in front of him. The man who had his heart broken just a month ago.

"How's the shipment going on?" He questioned looking through his tablet.

"Tomorrow it will reach here. Everything is going on smoothly." Creed replied driving the car. Cyrus hummed in response before reading the news.

"Whose this new boy you told me about?" Creed smiled as Cyrus mentioned that boy he has been blabbering about to his boss for a month now.

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