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Hazel gulped watching the beast taking fast and long strides towards them. He stood near Creed who didn't pull his head up in fear.

"I asked what the fuck was happening?" Cyrus once again questioned even though he already knew everything.

He just arrived at the mansion and impatiently walked inside to meet the girl who was messing up his brain by continuously appearing before his eyes. But before he could enter he heard her shriek and a loud thud.

He thought something might have happened to her that's why he ran inside only to see a view that successfully irked his body, burnt his heart, and crushed his peace. Her tiny body was laid under the man he trusts the most.

He already knew there can never be something between Creed and Hazel but there is no way Creed would ever betray him but still the view angered him. There was something. Something in his heart he never felt before. Something weird yet poisonous.

And what did an addition in his anger was the scene of both of them staring into each other's eyes. His burning self wanted nothing but to break them away and without realizing the loud growl vacated from his throat startling them.

"T-The water-- I mean I was about to slip and she tried to help me. But --" Cyrus held his hand up shutting him up.

His hawk eyes slowly went to the girl who had unconsciously scooted a little behind Creed aggravating him even more. Was she trying to hide away from him? Does she think this man can save her from him?

He clenched his jaw glaring at her but Hazel didn't meet his eyes for even a second. Cyrus looked at Creed who finally glanced up at his burning boss.

He told him through his eyes to get lost and Creed without another word obey him. Hazel whimpered a little realizing that she was now alone with him. Her little whimper of fear and resistance didn't go unnoticed by his sharp ears.

Before she knew anything her world turned upside down. She let out a low groan of pain feeling her stomach being hit badly by his shoulder.

She didn't protest or try to push him away she only stayed still on his shoulder trembling badly. Cyrus sensed her fear, noticed her shivering body but didn't care. The scene he witnessed wasn't ready to make him have some mercy on the poor soul.

She whimpered loudly feeling her body being thrown on the bed. Her body bounced on the mattress a few times before she instantly pulled herself up and scooted in the corner of the bed placing her back against the headboard.

Her eyes moved all over the place and realized they were in his room. She gulped watching his heavily breathing body through the dimmed light of the room. The only light present in the room was the yellowish light coming from the lamp otherwise the whole room was dark. Even the windows were covered with black curtains.

"You think he can save you. Save you from me." His low threatening voice echoed in the room making her flinch in her place. He removed his tie and coat throwing them on the floor harshly.

"ANSWER ME! DO YOU FUCKING THINK HE HAS THE CAPABILITY TO SAVE YOU FROM ME? HUH! " She whimpered pulling her legs against her chest even more in fear.

He looked angry, no he looked in rage. His slightly trembling in anger figure dreaded her even more. She screamed in horror when he grabbed the table near the window and smashed it against the wall.

Her hands flew to cover her lips in pure horror. He looked like a psycho. He suddenly swept everything off the dressing table.

Her shivering increased, blood got drained out of her system feeling numb and scared. Her eyes widened in horror watching him taking fast and furious strides towards her.

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