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"So he told you everything?"

Cyrus's calm voice scared her more than his angry ones. She stared at his covered back not knowing what to reply to him. Silence engulfed the room making her hear only their breathing and the loud sound of rain hitting the glass window.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Hazel frowned at his words.

" Laugh." He mumbled slowly turning around to face her.

"Laugh at me. Laugh at how this strong man here was nothing but a coward once. Laugh at how I am not really a narcissistic but an insecure man. Laugh at how I still get scared of those memories. Laugh Hazel. You should laugh at me I deserve your taunts, your mocking. Come on." Hazel sucked on her breath staring at him with stunned eyes.

How can he think that someone can make fun of the things he had to go through? She can never say that he deserved that suffering. No one deserves such a thing. She stared at him still not saying anything. Cyrus chuckled shaking his head.

"Or you're pitying me. Hmm" Hazel without realizing didn't this time back away from him as he made his way towards her. Standing in front of her he bent his face to her level glaring into her eyes.

"You're feeling bad for me! I don't fucking need it! I don't need your pity, Hazel. The fear in your eyes seems better than this pitiful sadness. Get over it I am not that fucking coward anymore! Whatever that fucking David told you forget it!" Snapping at her in an angry tone he tried walking away from her but surprisingly her small palm got wrapped around his wrist making him freeze in his spot.

"I don't pity you. I don't feel bad for you." Cyrus stayed silent still not looking in her way. She slowly left his wrist turning her body to face his back.

"I feel bad for the boy who had gone through that torture. That boy was innocent. That boy was sinless. He was thrown into that torturous life without him having any fault. He doesn't deserve to be called a coward. Because for me he's the strongest person to go through so much alone. I feel bad for that innocent naive boy not for you Cyrus Sylvester."

Her words turned his heart upside down making him slowly turn his body to face her. Hazel also stared right in his eyes while continuing.

"He wasn't the man you are today. You failed that struggling boy who wanted to keep his sanity safe. You failed him because today." Her eyes prickled with tears as she blinked her eyes to not let them out.

"You choose to become the monster they wanted you to be."

Cyrus' eyes dropped down on the floor registering her words. Was it his fault that he become what he is today? Was not able to have his control over his sanity his fault? Hazel flinched when Cyrus grabbed his head gritting his teeth. He growled making her step back in horror.

He grabbed the nearby vase throwing it on the floor. "If it's my fault. I deserve Punishment! " Hazel's eyes widened when she heard him murmuring to himself like a recorder.

He punched the wall multiple times but just when he was about to punch the mirror beside the wall he felt a soft hand grabbing his wrist. His bloodshot eyes met her teary ones. He looked crazy. Like he was possessed.

"Let go!" He tried to push her but she grabbed his both wrists making him glare at her.

"I SAID LET GO!" She did flinch in fear but didn't let him go. Just when he tried to push her again she grabbed his collar pulling him tightly in her arms.

Cyrus wasn't in his right mind even after being hugged by her he tried pushing her but she didn't let him go instead she tightened her arms around his neck forcing his head in her crook.

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