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On one side the beast was bawling his heart out staying in the cold rain. While on another side the once caged bird freely stared at the beautiful rain standing on the door as she watched the garden being damped by the heavy rain.

Hazel always loved the rain and even in winter she never had the chance to enjoy the rain go but tonight something was different in her. Her heart squeezed painfully as the lightning ruthlessly made a loud noise making her gulp down.

She bit her lower lip before walking ahead letting the rain fall over her as well. She held her face high letting the cold raindrops attack her face. Squeezing her eyes tightly she heard a familiar voice in her ear.

Seeing you hurt has become my biggest fear.

She breathed out heavily dropping her head down as she slowly opened her eyes. From the past week, she got everything she ever wanted back. Her mother, a peaceful environment, and her freedom. And lastly to be free from him.

Then why does her heart not at ease? Why do all she could think about is him? Maybe because she's scared of what if he hurt himself again. Maybe it's just sympathy that she has for him right?

But was it really just sympathy, a mere pity?

Not only Cyrus but Hazel was trying her best to stay out of his thoughts as well. She was trying her best to indulge herself in her work and chores of the house to divert her attention from thinking about her past. Precisely about him.

"Hazel what are you doing?" She flinched turning towards the door and finding her mother standing there with a worried frown.

Then she realized she has been out for too long. "Come inside. You have been standing like this for so long." Her mother's concerned voice entered her ears making her nod her head.

She looked at the sky one last time and there was no change. The sky was growling, and the rain was falling heavily just like a while ago. She gulped entering the house making her mother cover her with a heavy towel.

"I am fine, mom." She mumbled shooting a small smile at her mother who shook her head.

"No, you're not. Go and change I will make tea for us. I have something important to talk to you about. " Hazel nodded her head and went to her room to change.

Her mother stared at her daughter's back as she slowly disappeared into her room. Hazel wasn't like the cheerful girl she used to be. And it wasn't really surprising for her that after all the treatment and burden her grandmother put on her must have snatched her cheerful attitude but what worried her mother was her continuous trying to burden herself with overwork so she could run away from something.

Hazel started a new job two days ago in a cafe as a cashier. Even though Cyrus gave her a good lump sum amount but she had no heart to use that money. She decided to keep that money safe maybe in the future she might feel the need to use that money.

Her mother tried pursuing her to study further as because of her grandmother, she wasn't able to complete her high school and hardly passed her elementary school. But Hazel refused her mother saying that she needs time for herself right now. Even though her mother wanted to push her to study but she left the matter seeing how lost Hazel looked.

Like something has been bothering her. Hazel came back after changing her clothes. She smiled at her mother grabbing the teacup. Her mother stared at her daughter in silence for some time before breaking the awkward silence.

"Hazel, what's wrong dear? You look lost. Like something is bothering you. I am your mother you can share with me." Hazel's mother's health has become a lot better in the past week. She has started walking and even slightly working.

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