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"Boss Miss. Hazel escaped." His man informed him making him let out a disappointed sigh. He leaned his back against the chair before crossing his legs.

"Ask Creed to call me when he found her." He ordered hanging up the phone.

He shook his head taking a sip of his red wine. He chuckled at the foolishness of the girl. She knew she can't escape him then why does she even try. Just after a few minutes, he heard the ring of his phone.

"I found her," Creed informed him making him nod his head.

"Don't catch her." Creed glanced at the dustbin where she was hiding. He frowned at his order.

"Let her be. Walk away like you didn't know you saw her. I will give you the rest of the instructions later." Creed obediently said yes and walked away from the place but not before glancing at the place she was hiding.

It was unusual for the Ruthless man to let his captive go this easily. He sighed heavily motioning his guards to go back who also shot him confused looks. When they found her already why can't they bring her back?

Well, there is one predictable thing about Cyrus that he's unpredictable.

You can never know what his cunning mind is thinking. Only he can tell what he's planning and weirdly whatever he plans never goes to waste.

Just after half an hour Creed again got a call from Cyrus and then he understood the plan Cyrus made. And yes, the man is extremely unpredictable.

"Follow her. And keep an eye on her. Wherever she goes, whatever she does. Be sure to not let her out of your sight. Also block any airways, or road services for a week. Don't let her leave this city. I will be back in a week and in this week I want you to gather as much as information you can." Creed narrowed his eyes still not getting Cyrus's real point of doing this.

"From the day she entered my life. I know she's been hiding something. Her eyes scream it. I need to know what she's hiding. And this is the golden chance. Don't let me down Creed." Creed finally understood what he was doing.

" Yes, boss." The first thing after hanging up Creed did was to block airways and road services like buses and trains for a week just like Cyrus ordered. After that, he left his two men to tail behind her.

The next day Creed's men told him about Hazel visiting a bank and withdrawing something. That caught his attention. The whole day his men followed her like shadows and collected information about her each step.

The next day she again secured her things back in the bank but only if she knew Creed withdrew her ID card and passport. He even went to the bus station and got the information about where she wanted to go and everything indicated something shocking.

Her name. Hazel Astor. It left Creed stunned. But still to confirm everything he sent the pictures of her ID card and passport to Cyrus along with the information about her village. He was fast enough to deposit everything back in the bank just like before.

Cyrus on the other hand inspected the ID card before narrowing his eyes at her name. It looked so damn familiar and then it clicked to him. He walked shortly towards his laptop opening the file he didn't even care to read twice.

All his eyes found was her name. Hazel Astor. He stared at the glowing screen of his laptop in silence for some time. All this time she was with him. Near him. The woman he was obsessed with. The woman he felt like dying without. The woman who has become an addictive drug was none other than.

His wife!

His contractual wife! Fuck! He rubbed his face with his palms again reading the damn file. Hazel Astor was the daughter of his grandfather's friend's son. All this fucking time he was having his way with his wife.

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