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Like I already mentioned. I am not going to update matured contents here. Don't want my book to get deleted again. So chp-16 has a matured content. You can find that chapter on inkitt.

Inkit:- Mirah Selim

Author Pov

Slowly peering her swollen emerald eyes she scrunched up her face in pain. Her whole body felt numb and immovable. She hardly brought her hand up to rub her forehead.

Soon memories started flashing in her mind letting a new row of tears gather in her eyes. She looked around only to find herself in a new room.

She hardly sat up on the bed leaning her back against the headboard. Tears once again started streaming down her eyes remembering all the events that happened last night.

She felt a sharp regret hitting her heart. She felt like a cheater. Even though she hasn't seen her husband or even once met him but she still she's a married woman sleeping with another man is an unforgivable sin for her.

That man is a sinner he wouldn't mind forcing a married woman into submission but she's a religious person who can't tolerate the guilt she felt in her heart. Her body even enjoyed what he did.

Her face scrunched up in disgust remembering how her body gave up. She palmed her face sobbing out.

"I am sorry. I never wanted this." She mumbled in a cracked tone.

Even though it was a contract marriage she still wanted to remain loyal to the man she named her one year of her life. She doesn't even know his name but she knew one thing her guilty heart wanted to apologize to him.

Suddenly she heard the door of the room crack opening. She removed her hands and looked at the person through her wet eyelashes. And the man who destroyed her standing there in his gym attire.

He looked at her and sighed heavily seeing tears damping her cheeks. Her eyes and lips were swollen and bloodshot.

Hazel finally took her condition in check and found her tiny body wrapped up in an oversized black shirt. And she didn't have to think twice of whose shirt it was.

Her eyes fell on her laps as he strolled towards her sitting figure. He let his body overpower hers by sitting beside her on the bed.

She visibly flinched when he placed his palm on her tear-stained cheek. She slowly looked up matching her teary eyes with his emotionless hawk ones.

"Don't cry Beautiful. I don't like to see you crying." He whispered placing his same palm on her other cheek and wiping her tears away but more made their way down to her cheeks.

"Don't act like you care." She whispered looking away removing his touch from her skin.

"But I do." She looked at him with confused eyes. What was he even trying to do? His emotionless eyes soften as he moved them all over her face.

"I do care for you, Hazel." He mumbled leaning to her face. Hazel's breath hitched seeing how madly he was looking at her.

She pressed the back of her head against the headboard but Cyrus decreased the distance. He placed his one hand on the headboard beside her head staring right into her swollen eyes.

"I care for you that's why I did everything in my hands to not hurt you last night. Tell me beautiful if I went rough on you was there anyone to stop me? Hmm." Hazel's eyes flicker at his words.

And he wasn't wrong. If he wanted he could be rough on her. He could even go on even after she blacked out but he didn't. Hazel thought as she stared at him.

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