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Author Pov

They reached the mall and went inside it. Fred was tailing behind them keeping his gaze fixed on Hazel who was staring around the place with poker face. Soon Ana nudged Hazel pointing at the jewelry shop.

"Let's go there. I have noticed that I don't really have much accessories." Hazel smiled at her before shaking her head.

"I want to look for shoes. You go there with the bodyguard. I will go and look for shoe shop." Ana was hesitant as she looked at Fred who has his eyes away from them. He was good at pretending to mind his business.

She nodded and went to the jewelry shop with Fred while two bodyguards followed Hazel to the shoe shop. Remaining two bodyguards stayed out looking around to see any unnecessary intruders.

Hazel had many shoes but all of them had heels even though this time Cyrus did best to not place any heels there. But all of her shoes contains a little heel under them and she needed a shoe she could wear being at home. A comfortable one atleast.

She was looking through the shoes when suddenly she felt a presence behind her. Thinking that it might be a worker she kept her gaze fixed on the row of shoes.

"Mrs. Sylvester." Her heart stopped for a second when she heard a familiar yet not so familiar voice. Turning around her eyes met with the familiar brown ones.

Aaron Parker. With his hands inside the pockets of his pants he smiled at Hazel but didn't get one back from her. She stared at him with a frown. What is he even doing here?

"Hello. It's been a long time we met." Hazel awkwardly nodded looking away from him.

"Hello. Uhmm do you want something?" She said avoiding looking at him which Aaron found really amusing.

He stared at her for sometime without saying any word. She looked up at him in irritation and finally decided to take a leave after all the man always gives her creepy vibes.

"If there is nothing then good bye." She grabbed the slippers she liked and turned around to go but halted when she heard his voice.

"I can help you." Hazel froze for a second before slowly turning to him with a frown.

" Help? " She mumbled making him nod his head.

"I can help you escape Cyrus." Her eyes slightly widened hearing him. She gulped looking at him with a deep frown. She didn't know what to reply him and Aaron was fast enough to understand her turmoil.

"Look Hazel I know everything. But I want to hear from your lips. Do you love Cyrus?" Her eyes snapped up to him as she gaped at him. Love? Loving that vile monster is out of question. Something snapped in her as she didn't even realize that there was a recorder in Aaron's hand.

"No." She whispered to herself but Aaron caught it in the recorder. He smirked seeing that his plan was working.

"Do you want to stay married to him? Do you even consider him as your husband? " He said staring at her with his evil eyes having no mercy.

"No." And it was the truth. He wasn't her husband instead he was her captive, her tormentor, her owner. And she's not his wife, just a slave that's it. Aaron knew the last card he's going to throw will definitely do the work of cherry on top.

"Do you want to stay him?" He asked and she gulped down.

" I don't have a choice." She mumbled making him chuckle.

"Let me ask you again. If your mother is safe out of his hands. Then would you still want to stay with him? " He questioned once again and this time Hazel stayed numb on the spot. She knew she was staying with him just because of that contract and her mother.

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