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Author Pov

The woman in her early 30s walked up the stairs making her box heels make a clicking sound. Her face was void of any emotion. There was a rope in her hand and a hard tape. She walked across the lane and finally stopped infront of a room.

His room. A small smirk appeared over her lips when she opened the door and found the little boy laying on the bed with his eyes closed. He had ear phones thrusted inside his ears. She knew he wasn't asleep even after she told him to sleep.

Walking inside the room she placed the tools in her hand on the table and switched on the lights. The boy still didn't open his eyes as he was too busy listening to the music.

But soon his eyes snapped up in alert when he felt a hand caressing his head. He looked at the woman and small innocent smile appeared over his lips. She chuckled seeing such an innocence dripping from his eyes.

"Cyrus honey I told you to sleep then why are you still awake? " Cyrus sat up on the bed removing the earphones.

"I was trying to sleep Aunt but couldn't that's why I thought I should listen to a little music after that i will sleep." He mumbled making her nod her head.

Cyrus was really a genius and intelligent boy. He started walking just at the age of one and at the age of two he started talking like a 6 years old kid. Sometimes he does pronounce some words wrong but mostly whatever he says is right.

"Hmmm alright. Let's play a game." The little boy's eyes sparkle as he straighten his posture.

"What game?" He asked excitedly.

"Consequences of disobedience." He cutely frowned at her not understanding what game she was talking about but nonetheless he was a kid and wanted to play a game.

"Come." Her sweet voice surprisingly started changing. It started containing some hidden intention in it which wasn't easy for a five years old child to understand.

He gave her his tiny hand and she made him sit on the adult chair. Taking the rope she tied his hands on the chairs arms making him look at her with his innocent doe eyes.

"Aunt what is---mmhh" His eyes widened in fear when she slammed the tape over his lips shutting him up.

"SHUT UP!" The little boy trembled in his place when she yelled over his face.

Grabbing his chin in a tight grip she squeezed his cheeks in a painful manner. "I fucking hate your voice." She seethed on his face glaring at him.

Tears started falling off the little boy's eyes as he sobbed but his whimpers got muffled by the tape wrapped over his lips. His body started trembling badly when she pulled something from his toys collection.

A kids bat. It was a plastic bat.

He shivered in horror when she smiled evily at him. How couldn't he see the real face of her? All this time her being so kind and sweet was just a facade she was showing to his father.

A loud cry left his throat getting muffled by the tape when she slammed the bat over his legs. He closed his eyes shaking his head crying loudly.

"You disobeyed me little kid. This is the consequences of disobeying my orders." Once again she hit his legs making him scream loudly but all his cries were hushed by the cover over his lips.

She beat him with the bat for a while till his legs got purplish bruises all over. Just when she saw how his head started spinning and eyes dropping. She threw the bat away and smiled in satisfaction. Grabbing a handful his messy hair she made him look at her. His bloodshot innocent eyes met her evil satisfied ones.

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