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"Or be my whore, warm my bed and I will let you live."

Hearing his words Hazel's thrashing increased as she was utterly disgusted by his offer. From the moment she had met him the first time in his mansion he had been giving her creeps.

The way his eyes look at her scares her and the way he had kept her as a captive she knew there must be some reason for him not killing her yet.

At first, she was afraid that he might want to torture her before taking her life after all the way that man who he killed was bloodied and looked like he had been getting tortured for God knows how long, she thought she might had the same fate.

But she never in her dreams thought he would want something like this from her. Her heart started drumming in her ears as the blood got drained out of her system.

"Come on now don't you want to live?" She cried out when he again licked her wet cheeks. More tears trailed down her eyes as her body felt violated and disgust was the only emotion she was feeling sensing his hands all over her.

"P-Please let me go I swear I will never come back. I will never tell anyone about what I saw. I will disappear from your eyes from this city please ---" As soon as she started utterly those words which Cyrus didn't like even bit.

He threw the gun on the mattress beside him and roughly turned her body cutting her words and making her gasp out at how harshly he turned her around.

Her legs fell beside his waist as she was completely pulled on his lap. He forced her to straddle him. He gave another jerk to her waist making her chest collide against his rock ones.

Her eyes snapped up to his. His greyish green dark eyes met her teary emerald ones. The way he looked at her was so dark that it almost made her run for hills. His grip on her waist tightened making her whimper.

He leaned his face down a little so he could come face to face with her.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He growled lowly making her flinch badly. His other hand went to her messy bun again and this time he roughly pulled the clip off her hairs that was keeping them tied up.

Her beautiful locks fell all over her shoulders. Even though she doesn't have that much silky hair. Her hairs are a mixture of curly and straight but still, her brown hair looked extremely fascinating to his eyes. Might not be silky but they were indeed long and shiny.

But that time his whole focus was on her face as his glare was the only emotion he looked at her with. He wanted nothing more than to drill the thought of not ever escaping him in her mind.

He took a handful of her hairs in his palm and fisted them so hard that she felt like crying out loud at the painful grip. He jerked her back tightening his grip on her waist making her sob out.

"You will never leave me! Do you get it you will never fucking escape me? You are mine now. I will burn the whole world if you again thought spitting that disappearing from my eyes shit again!"

Hazel's heart fell in the pit of her stomach hearing his words. What is he even saying? A minute ago he wanted to kill her and now he's claiming her as his. Before she could decipher what was happening a pained cry left her throat as he jerked her head back even more.

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