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Hazel smiled staring at Cyrus's sleeping face. She never thought there will be a day she will wake up and instead of feeling upset after seeing him she would rather feel happy. Not only has he changed but she has changed as well. She leaned her face closer to his softly removing his hair from his forehead and revealing his scar.

It wasn't like Cyrus doesn't get nightmares anymore but as compared to his past he rarely gets them. He has been visiting the psychiatrist and taking his medicines regularly as well. She noticed his forehead knitted and it was obvious he wasn't relaxed in his sleep instead he looked restless.

She softly caressed his forehead with her fingers and slowly his frown got disappeared. She smiled but soon she froze when he opened his eyes. Their eyes met making him raise his eyebrows finding her face so close to his. His heart thumped slowly as a contented sigh escaped his lips after seeing the view in front of his eyes.

This is what he was craving for the past months. To see her beautiful eyes first thing in the morning. And the uncomfortable feeling on his chest that he was having in his sleep loosened up even more when he witnessed the softness in her eyes for him. There was nothing but warmth in her gaze.

"Good morning, honey." He smiled staring at her as her half body was leaning towards him keeping her face close to his.

"Morning, my love." Her stomach flipped upside down feeling a wave of butterflies hearing the endearment. Just when she was getting used to his sweetheart he threw another endearment at her. How many names is he gonna call her with?

"Bad dream." She said softly making him give her a small smile.

"Not that bad." He said staring into her shiny emerald stones.

"What were you doing?" She smiled sheepishly slightly moving her head from side to side.

"Staring at my handsome man." She smiled ready for him to throw her his usual proud smirk or his narcissistic comment but instead her eyes slightly widened when she watched him shyly blinking his eyes like he was speechless at her words.

Not just that God forbid! He blushed! Cyrus Sylvester blushed. His ears and cheeks turned slightly red as he looked away from her. She gaped at him before bursting out laughing making him close his eyes. Dammit! he tried. So damn hard to not get affected by her words but his heart betrayed him.

"You blushed haha!" She said laughing while throwing her head down. Her shoulders trembled at how hard she was laughing.

"Shut up woman! I didn't fucking blush!" He exclaimed turning his head away from her. Hazel finally stopped laughing before leaning her face closer to his.

She softly held his cheek turning his face to turn to her. She caressed his cheek with her small fingers giving him her sweetest smile.

"I love seeing you blushing on my words you know why?" She mumbled making him stare deeply into her eyes.

"Because it shows how much you love me. It shows that what your lips say, your heart feels the same." A small smile once again embraced his lips as he gazed into her warm eyes.

"Am I really that handsome in your eyes? I mean even after this--" She placed her index finger over his lips shaking her head.

"I think I need to repeat what I once said because you seem to have forgotten it." She said tracing her finger over his scar making him close his eyes for a moment.

"To me, this scar makes you more beautiful. You were handsome, you are handsome. And in my eyes, you will always stay handsome. Beautiful." He flickered feeling a wave of emotions hitting him. No one has ever said such soothing yet comforting words to him before.

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