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"I have a brothel you can become a prostitute. The best selling one I must say." 

As soon as those words left his lips Hazel jerked his hand away from her arm and scooted away from him in pure dread. Her eyes were wide and full of disbelief. 

"You think I will kill you this easily. Remember darling if something doesn't go my way I know how to pull it on track. So you better choose wisely. Because." He paused as an evil smirk appeared on his lips.

"If something can't be mine I leave it for no one's." Saying that he stood up and shooting her a last cold look he walked out of the room leaving the trembling girl in cold and fear.

As soon as he closed the door his smirk fell and his eyes turned darker remembering the words he said to her.

When the fuck does he has any brothel? Fucking when did he start prostitution? From where the actual fuck that thought entered his mind? 

He clenched his jaw in pure anger and possessiveness even at the slightest thought of someone else touching her. Someone whose, not him. The mere thought of her having a husband and doing the things he wants to do with her burnt him.

Had those emerald stones with purity engraved them stared in her husband's eyes this closely? This thought weirdly wrecked his senses. He doesn't want her to become more than just a momentary infatuation that he wanna fulfill.

He knows she's not made for only one nightstand. Instead, she meant to be held in his arms for as long as he will be satisfied. And he knows he can never be this much fast satisfied by her. 

He knew the words he chose to scare her already had done their job perfectly. She looked terrified. Cyrus had no brothel or any Illegal business except for killing people who tries to put hurdles in his work or try to betray him in any way.

He has only one illegal business which is the trade of weapons and being in a Mafia he needs to have a business that could bring terror in his enemy's hearts for him. 

He entered his room and roughly removed the sweater throwing it away. He pulled the undershirt off his body leaving himself only in sweatpants. He walked towards the full-length mirror and narrowed his eyes.

Staring at himself in the mirror he couldn't understand what was stopping her? Is he not handsome enough for her? He questioned as he inspected his features and no there was no way she couldn't find him handsome. Women die to be with him mostly for his looks then why can't she?

His eyes moved down to his body. The toned abs, well-built buff chest, and perfect heavy biceps. He has everything in him. Even with utmost power and money then what's her problem?

This was the first fucking time when a woman had cried when he kissed her. This was the first time he received a slap after the kiss or more likely it was the first time he ever forced someone.

It's not him. He was never this desperate for a woman before then what's so special about her. And he knew the answer.

Her eyes. The purity and innocence that her eyes radiate trigger his beast. He wants to rip that innocent away. He wants to turn her into a submissive and desperate woman like he had before. He wants to make her crazy over him like the way his previous women were.

Soon he heard a knock on the door and permitted the person to enter. He knew who it was. The woman who had always given him the control and power he craved for.

Ella. She was standing there looking at him being fully dressed up. As it was early in the morning they always had breakfast together. Cyrus had never told her why but he just doesn't like to eat alone. Even in his lunchtime, he has Creed with him in his office.

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