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Hazel looked around trying to find the man she was supposed to get engaged to in a month. He asked her to meet him near the cafe she works as he wanted to introduce her to someone.

"Hazel!" She looked up finding familiar black eyes gazing at her. She instantly knew who it was.

"Eric." Eric Mathews. 28 years old bachelor who recently took a hold of his father's business.

Eric's father and Hazel's father were actually really close friends. His father used to have a normal background just like Hazel's but within the past few years, his father worked really hard and become one of the most well-known business tycoons in the country.

Hazel has met Mathews as well and she has to admit both son and father are poles apart. Mathews is an ambitious yet gentle respectful man while Eric is well. A spoilt brat. Eric doesn't even think before saying anything. He's the blunt and quiet self-centered man. Being 28 he still behaves like a teenager sometimes. He flaunts his money every chance he gets. Everything has been tolerable for Hazel but one thing isn't which he always does.

"Hazel meet my friend Warren. Warren my fiance Hazel." His friend smiled at Hazel but soon his next words irked her.

"Hazel Warren was asking me who was your first husband?" This. This is what she hates the most about him. It wasn't the first time he asked her this question.

She already told him many times that she doesn't want to talk about her first husband yet he always reminds her of Cyrus at every chance he gets. He even reminded her of her being a divorcee many times which annoys her the most.

"Eric I already told you I don't want to talk about him." She said calmly making Eric nod his head.

"I understand. It's just that Warren wanted to know who he was. I already told him he must be someone inferior to me. After all, I am the best choice for you." Hazel shook her head sighing out.

Why does she always get narcissistic jerks? Is it a curse on her or something? She decided to stay quiet and only talked when anyone asked her something. Hazel was always a reserved and less talkative person while Eric was completely opposite of her.

The man just doesn't know when to shut up. Sometimes she even questions herself why he even wants to marry her when they are so different. He should get a girl who is like him in nature. Someone who is as expressive and ongoing as him.

Soon Warren bid goodbye leaving them alone. Eric turned his head towards Hazel with an annoyed gaze.

"Hazel, what was that? My friend came to meet you especially and you look like you're not even a bit interested." Hazel looked at him blinking her eyes.

"Eric I am sorry If I made you feel that way. I am just not a chatty person and ---" Eric scoffed.

"Listen Hazel I know you must have done this already I mean you're a divorcee after all. But this is my first marriage and I want my fiance to show the same enthusiasm as I am showing." Hazel glared at him.

"For how many times you're going to remind me of being a divorcee? I already told you Eric if you have a problem with me being a divorced woman we can end this here. You're a bachelor. You can find someone else. I am not forcing you to marry a divorced woman like me." Saying that she stood up but Eric grabbed her wrist shaking his head.

"Hazel I am sorry I didn't mean it in that way. I want to marry you because I like you. I already told you I have liked you since I was just a kid." And that wasn't the lie. Eric liked her from childhood and this man has been stuck to her for years.

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