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Hazel slowly peered her eyes open feeling the strong rays of light attacking her face. She blinked a few times to adjust her sight. As soon as the sight cleared before her eyes she came in contact with familiar surroundings.

Slowly memories started engulfing her mind and she let her heart sigh out in utter sadness. How much she wished for this bitter reality to be just a bad dream! But Alas! It wasn't. It wasn't a nightmare. It was a bitter truth she didn't want to acknowledge.

She always thought that after she will meet her husband, she will have someone she could rely on. Maybe it was just a contractual marriage and after six months they will be separated but she still wanted to ask him, wanted to try this marriage for once.

But now what? After realizing that her tormentor is her husband. She didn't want to think about giving this marriage any chance. She just doesn't want anything to do with him.

She sighed out turning her head to the side only to flinch in horror. Cyrus was laying beside her sideways staring at her with curiosity. He had one palm resting on his cheek while his gleaming grey eyes were stuck over her face.

Cyrus woke up three hours before Hazel but he had no heart to get off the bed and leave her side. After a month! After a whole damn month, she was right before his eyes. He didn't want to waste this moment. He wanted to savor it as much as he can.

He watched her taking slow and steady breaths as she slept keeping a calm face. It was rare to see her looking calm when he was around. Funny how he can only see her relaxed when she knows he's not around her.

He watched her slowly blinking her eyes and waking up. She yawned making him admire her at how cute she looked even though she just woke up. She stared at the ceiling blankly like she was thinking about something and just when she turned her eyes to look at her side her emerald stones collided with his cloudy ones.

He didn't even blink or show any reaction when they made eye contact. Hazel's whole being flinched at the sight of the familiar face. He knew the fear she had for him had only increased after the revelation of him being her husband.

They exchanged no words for a few minutes. Hazel turned her face away from him but Cyrus didn't break away from staring at her like a total creep. Hazel clutched the blanket over her gulping down.

"Good morning sweetheart." He said finally breaking the tensed silence between them. She blinked licking her dry lips.

"Good morning." She replied softly keeping her eyes away from him. A small frown appeared on his forehead.

He hummed still staring at her making her uncomfortable. She glanced at him before slowly sitting up on the bed. Cyrus didn't make any move only his eyes traveled up as she let her body sit up.

"Take a bath. And have breakfast. I will come down after some time." He said not breaking his intense gaze from her face.

Without sparing him a single glance she nodded and almost dashed towards the bathroom. Cyrus sighed as her figure disappeared from his eyes making him miss her already.

He grabbed his phone and sat up on the bed calling Creed to give him proper instructions. He knew there was no way Hazel would think of running away from him anymore. She had already learned her lesson twice. No one can snatch something Cyrus Sylvester wants. No one!

Hazel exited the bathroom and to her luck, Cyrus wasn't in the bedroom anymore. She ran to the wardrobe and reluctantly took the dress from his wardrobe. She couldn't help but ogle at the things.

She had her side in the wardrobe. Multiple dresses, makeup, sandals. But what left her stunned was the choice of dresses. They all were ankle-length extremely simple-designed dresses, makeup was of light shade, and no heels only flat sandals. Just like she wears.

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