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Cyrus walked back to the room expecting to find his wife sleeping. But no she was nowhere to be seen. Frowning deeply in confusion he looked around the room and even checked the bathroom but she was nowhere.

"Where the hell is she?" Sighing frustrated he walked out looking around only to smell a delicious aroma coming out of the kitchen.

As soon as he entered the kitchen his eyes flickered in surprise seeing his wife cooking while still wearing a nightdress. Cyrus was only used to her lunch and dinner. She never woke up before him for breakfast that's why he always ate his breakfast in his office.

He leaned his side on the wall curling his arms against his naked chest. The side of his lips tugged up watching her working around the kitchen. He was indeed surprised to find her preparing breakfast for him. Something was different about her today.

Hazel gasped out clutching her chest in horror when she turned around to grab a plate. This man really has cat paws. Cyrus's expressions didn't change he stayed on the spot staring at her with a small smirk.

"You came back?" She mumbled grabbing the plate and placing the pancakes she made on it.

"You woke up early." He said making her look at him.

"Of course, I wanted to make breakfast for you." Cyrus narrowed his eyes at her.

" Why? " Hazel slowly placed the plate on the counter before turning to him.

"Because I want to make breakfast for my husband." Cyrus's body stiffened for a second hearing her words.

Hazel grabbed the stuff and started arranging the dining table while Cyrus stayed in the same spot for some time watching her doing her work.

Husband. Her husband. Those words seemed so common yet so unique coming out of her lips. He never thought a few mere words from her can make him feel this way. Gulping down he shook his head and went back to get ready.

After taking a fresh shower he got ready into his usual suit. Hazel was already waiting for him in the dining area with everything perfectly ready placed on the table. They both took a seat and ate in peaceful silence.

After finishing Cyrus stood up from the seat and was about to grab his coat when Hazel held his wrist. He looked at her in confusion when she slowly held the coat in her tiny hands and walked behind him. He chuckled shaking his head. He has to bend his body a little down for her to easily wear him the coat.

"Have a nice day." He turned his head to her feeling the speed of his heartbeat increasing. And then she did something astonishing.

His eyes slightly widened when she stood up on her toes and lightly pecked his cheek making him freeze once again. She had to hold his bicep so she wouldn't fall as he was way taller than her. Leaning back a little she mumbled against his cheek.

"Don't overwork yourself. Take care. Goodbye." With that, she stepped back shooting him a small graceful smile of hers.

Cyrus gulped blinking his eyes a few times. He cleared his throat nodding his head. Walking out of the mansion he loosened his tie a little sitting in the backseat of the car. He stared at the entrance of the mansion finding her standing there staring at his car.

So is this how it feels to be treated with care by your wife? If they were married in some different circumstances so is this how she must have treated him? He leaned his head against the seat staring at the buildings passing by.

Wish things would have been different. How he wishes that they would have met in different circumstances. Maybe just maybe he wouldn't have to ask her to treat him as her husband for only a month.

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