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Cyrus narrowed his eyes at the window thinking about his plan. In just a few more days there will be a disaster coming toward him and he was afraid. For the first time in his life after becoming a Mafia boss, he was scared of the future that seemed too obvious to him.

But somewhere in him wasn't ready to accept the bitter reality. He wanted to believe the opposite. Maybe just maybe what he wishes for would become a reality. Sighing deeply he turned around letting his eyes soften a little after seeing the box settled on the table.

He grabbed it and made his way towards his room where he knew she will be for sure. He slowly opened the door finding her standing in front of the dressing table with a towel in her hand. Her emerald eyes snapped to his. She didn't look surprised after seeing him obviously she knows that he has returned already.

After that day in the office, he didn't have the heart to go back to the mansion and see her. He wanted some alone time to clear his mind after all he was cursing himself for ruining her birthday. He has decided a lot of things that day but his one curious question ruined everything.

He entered the room keeping his usual cold face. Hazel gulped placing the towel on the dressing table's stool before turning to him. She was scared. Scared that he might hurt her after that day. She knew she has hurt him with her words a lot especially when she mentioned his father and that woman.

Cyrus removed his coat placing it on the couch before unbuttoning a few buttons of his shirt. He settled himself on the couch spreading his arms closing his eyes and throwing his head back letting out a small groan. He obviously sounded tired from the work he was doing.

Hazel awkwardly stayed standing on the same spot staring at him not knowing what to do. Should she just go to bed and sleep? Or should she wait for him to do something? She was confused about why he wasn't showing his usual cruelty right now. But then her mind went to the words he said.

Forgive me. I just want one chance.

Is he really changing? Does he really to treat her better? Sighing internally she decided to shake off her useless thoughts and just lay on the bed. But just when she took a step ahead she stiffen.

"Come here." His cold goosebumps giving voice entered her years making her look at him.

Gulping down she took baby steps towards him being scared of what he might do. Reaching him she left a good difference between them. She unknowingly flinched when he opened his tired yet scary greenish grey eyes.

Cyrus pulled his back away from the couch and stared at her with his dark gaze. He patted beside him on the couch clearly gesturing for her to sit there. Hazel was surprised to see he didn't ask her to sit on his lap and that was what she was grateful for.

Taking a seat beside him on the couch as far as she could she successfully earned a scary glare from him. Biting her lower lip she scooted closer to him leaving only an inch difference which was removed by him as he moved a little closer to her letting his hard body brush against hers.

Cyrus' eyes roamed all over her body finding her in a white nightdress reaching to her ankles. Her hairs were slightly wet indicating that she took a shower a while ago. He suddenly grabbed her hand making her flinch in surprise.

Pulling it near him he pulled her sleeve up revealing her wrist. Pulling the box out of his pocket he opened it uncovering a beautiful yet modest bracelet out. It was the same bracelet he bought from the boy that day who was selling on the street side.

Gently he put the bracelet over her dainty wrist before looking at her. Even though there were no emotions on his face but his eyes were softer and warmer than before. His soft eyes met hers and something in them was different.

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