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Author Pov

Hazel didn't waste anytime and in the morning the first thing she did was to run back to the bank where she kept her ID card and passport. Grabbing that important stuff she made her way back to the bus station only to get a shock of her life.

"What do you mean by there is no bus going to *** village for a week?" She questioned panicking. She had no money to book a flight and she didn't think about this possibility.

She came to this city by bus and she thought she will return on it but the man sitting on the ticket post clearly refused her. She palmed her head slumping down the chair.

"What is happening to me?" She mumbled feeling tears blurring her gaze but she didn't let them out.

She needs to find a place, a hidden far away place. She can't afford to stay in this city just like Ana told her. So she decided to go to another nearby village and the man sitting on the ticket post suggested her only one nearby village.

She arrived there and the first thing she did was to leave her ID card and passport in the same bank whose branch was present in that village from where she withdrew it. She stayed in that village and even found a small job to do. At least she will earn a little bit of money.

The work was to deliver the packages to the factory through walking. Hazel did the work and walked back to the small hut where she was staying.

She sat up on the corner of the hut unwrapping a sandwich and a bottle of juice eating her dinner. Indeed staying with Cyrus she got everything on time and in a large quantity. But the feeling of eating the food with her own earned money was something else.

She felt at peace. She didn't feel disgusted, or bad for eating her dinner. Five days passed away in a blur with Hazel continuing her work and earning money. But there wasn't even a single day where she didn't go to the bus station and asked if there is any bus that can take her back to her village. But to no avail.

As usual, she walked back to her hut with a wrapped sandwich and juice bottle in her hand, and just when she entered the hut her feet froze. Her body went numb finding a familiar body sitting on the only chair present in the hut.

He was smoking a cigarette looking on the dirty floor. Two buff men were standing beside him as he was sitting on the chair keeping one foot on the knee of his other leg. He was dressed up in his usual business attire. It was like he had just come back from his office.

The sandwich and juice bottle fell off her hand as she took a step back in horror. The shuffling earned his attention making him look up. He puffed out a good amount of smoke throwing it in front of him fixing his gaze over her.

She felt a presence behind her and turning her hazy gaze she witnessed Creed standing there blocking her way to exit. Her head snapped to the beast who stood up from the chair stepping over the used cigarette.

He didn't stalk towards her instead let his blank sharp gaze meet her scared wavering ones. She tried to identify even a single emotion over his face but nothing, his face was void of any emotion. Neither he looked angry nor amused. Just blank.

"Come here." His low husky voice earned a slight flinch from her making her gulp down. Instead of taking a step ahead, she stepped back only for her back to touch Creed's body.

Cyrus clenched his jaw at the sight and Creed stepped back keeping a good distance between them. Hazel's eyes instantly got filled with tears. She shook her head as he shot her a dangerous look.

"Hazel." She shook her head again.

"Please let me go. Please just go back. " She begged shaking her head repeatedly but her pleading fell over deaf ears.

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